Ultra 3000i won't accept offline file


Lifetime Supporting Member
Join Date
Mar 2005
ENE of Nowhere Oklahoma
We had a drive failure and following its replacement, I can't get the offline file to drag and drop using Ultraware. I ended up copying the parameters one by one to get us running again.

I have searched the forum and ab.com for an answer but have had no luck.

I made sure the enable was not asserted. I checked the drive type in the online drive and the offline file and made sure they matched. I even saved a copy of the existing drive parameters as a new file name and then tried to dump them right back in and it did not work.

Normally I just click and drag the offline file to the online drive and it sends the data to the drive, but this time it always shows the file being dragged as a circle with a line through it which just disappears when I release it.

The drive is not enabled, and the ultraware monitor inputs tab confirms this, but the single digit LED still shows a pattern of lights moving in a circle indicating that the drive is ready.

I bet I am missing something simple. What other things might be causing this to occur?
The last time I had an issue like that, it had to do with the motor types being different...

I was using the exact same drive(and Ultraware version), but because the original motor was a different model number from the new motor number, it wouldn't accept any parameters. And for some reason, even though I had changed the motor version in the offline files to match up, it still wouldn't accept the changes.

I also had to manually put all of the information in, and everything worked just fine.
Well, I still don't know what changed, but I guess the 30th time was the charm.

We went back out there after production ended and it copied over just fine. I know I tried it exactly the same way just before production started.

Maybe Ultraware 3.11 needed my XP Pro PC to reboot one more time to get all it's ducks in sync?!?!?

All of A/Bs "bought" lines end up with antique software "wrappered" to half-as run on today's PCs. Then they (RockSoft) seem to just ignore it for years. Full of weird glitches and quirks...Same thing happened with Creonics servo stuff, too, as soon as A/B got ahold of it. I wish they'd put a download button on there with a simple little pass or failure reason notification...is that too much to ask?

Have a Safe Day!
The Ultra series are on the way to silver. That's why Rockwell is pushing Kinetics Drives. Notice all the Safe off is now on the Kinetics and Ultra has no new features? Too bad, I love the Ultra series. Of course, I loved the Ultra 100 and 200s too.

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