OT: The Knack

It only hurts because it's true.

A few years ago I was talking to my Dad after a long night at the office and he said "Ken, you're still trying to win the 8th grade science fair."

It only hurts because it's true.
When I was a kid I had a similar behavioral problem. In a partial damage control effort Pops often took me to work and let me disassemble & tinker to my heart's content.

Almost 40 years later and I'm still here.

I believe, I believe, oh I believe.

I believe in 'the knack' it is more important than a college degree. Without 'the knack' the degree means nothing but usually engineering schools have subtle ways of lettting students find out they are 'knackless'. Having the knack means you think differently. It is a good thing. Someone better have 'the knack'. Politicians seem to be immune they get some thing else which is usually not as productuve.

This is how an engineer shows his anger when paying a bill.
You guys rock! I have only developed the knack in the last four years. I really don't understand why? The funny thing is, my teacher just showed the class that video.
I have been asked how much the check is worth.

The answer is easy and that is a hint. If you remember your engineering equations and math then this can be done in your head. That is another hint. Those that haven't been to college shouldn't even try unless you have a bad case of 'the knack' and can't resist.

There are a few of you out there that about to complete your engineering degrees. You should be able to calculate the answer.

Yes I am teasing.
Having "the knack" can also be a heavy burden at times. People(like family, co-workers, friends) think you can do anything and fix anything from toilets to computers. Sometimes it's better just to mess something instead of fixing it just to remind people that you can't walk on water.
Bob O said:
It has been years but I'll play.

Bob, I dont think you are correct. Like Peter said, you can do it in your head. Recall Eulers identity. Also n=1 so 2^1 = 2.

My guess is this guy is an EE, who works for The Electric Boat Company..
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