Melsec Medoc Plus


Join Date
May 2009
Hello, I'm using the software Melsec Medoc Plus. I want to put a timer but I don't know how to do. I suppose that I have to use the timer function diagram but I don't know what enter in the global variables and also for the adresses.

Use timer_m for a real timer in the globals TCxx is the timer i.e. TC1, TSxx (TS1) is the timer contact

i.e. TC1 = My_Timer_1 TS1 = My_Timer_Contact_1
You could use the TON or TOF function this is an iec timer it uses temporary words to store the current value as it is a function you give it an instance name then the time in iec format & the output drives directly with no timer up contact so if you wish to use the timer up contact you will have to use a marker i.e. M3

OK thanks, but I don't succeed in using it. If, e.g I want to activate a PLC's output 5s after an input has been energized, I've got to use something which is similar to your example, no ?

now I have a new question. Always with Melsec Medoc Plus, I would like to make a continue acquisition of temperature and stop it when I want. When I enable the conversion by the ADC connected to the PLC, with writing on the BFM, it makes just one conversion no ? So, I don't know how to repeat this conversion and how to end the program. Thanks.
Why do you want to stop analog convervion, usually you just use the from function (or use gx configurator to process the analog signal into a memory i.e. D200).
if you need to hold the analog as read (analog in) then just use a bit to move the data to another word i.e. if data from analog is in D200 continuously move it to D201 then by turning off the bit it will hold the last read value.
If you are pushing out an analog value to a drive then you use a bit to move the value from a Data memory to the analog word set in the to instruction & when bit is off move 0 to the word
It all depends on what way you are doing the analog conversion.
Use the to instruction to set up the analog the from instruction to read the analog (use the allways on bit so the instruction is always processed) it depends on the plc i.e. FX or Q how you do it
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I want to read it, but with using the from instruction it will read just one time the value which occurs at this moment, no? Or the program will begin another time ? Because I want to see the increase of the temperature, so if it's read just one time the value it's no good, I want to repeat the reading continuously.

And also, I have uploaded a program in IL and I don't know what means the instruction WOR. I have :
WOR K256

What does it mean ? Thanks.
This instruction or's the two words & stores it
WOR K256 word or
K0 with 0
D68 store in D68
I have no idea why they want to or 256 with 0 as this is 256?
sounds like who ever wrote this either had some other word in there & didn't need it so ored it with 0.
If you use the always on bit SM400 to run a from instruction the code will be scanned all the time i.e. if you create a program block Main Prg then call this in the task manager it will fetch the data every scan plc's don't run code only once unless you program a block to be called only once.
i.e. if you create say 3 programs then call these in the task as priority 31 event = true these blocks will be called every scan, a Q plc (depending on the amount of code should scan the code every 20ms or so.
It sounds if you have little or no experience in plc's.
so to do this just use the from instruction
From K1 K11 K4 (if 4 way or 8 way K8) D1
will continuously store the analog raw value into D1 to D4 (8) if 8 way card.
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Thanks. You're right I'm new in plc. But I like this field so I want to learn :)

I have a new question. How can I modify the IL program uploaded from the PLC with MM+ software ? Because where it is, I can do nothing.
Sorry, but my last question was useless. My new question in fact is : How can I do for the PLC sends data that I want to read on the computer with Labview by a USB port ?
Never used labview, I suppose you will need an OPC server like Kepware, you can download a trial that will last for 2 hours at a time, however I don't think it supports the USB but USB to 232 converter should work.
Medoc plus is an old version, it's now called GX Developer.
You cannot upload the raw code to medoc & have it display in iec, the only two ways are to maintain your copy of the program or download the info to the plc (if enough memory is available) this allows you to store a compressed file on the plc that contains all the info so is retreivable.
Go Project, Download Project information & that will save the source to the plc ram.
About the code uploaded in IL, I can modify it and send it back to the PLC ? Or I have to type it like a new program with declaring all the variables ? Because I don't want to save it, but modify it...Thanks šŸ“š
It depends on what addresses are used M,D etc. in GXiec the ranges 4000 & above are usually set as system variables i.e. used as tempory or local variables, you can modify it if none of the variables used in the program fall in the system variables, if so change these to ranges outside of the system or change the code generation system variables to suit.
If it was originally written in GXIEC then it could be a problem trying to decipher what the code is doing however if it was done in GXDeveloper it should not be a problem

It was written with Melsec Medoc Plus.

I have a new problem : I used the RS instruction to send a caracter to the PC and I tested with Hyper Termial and it worked. After I changed the configuration of the tranmission with the register D8120 and it worked just one time, because after when I tried to send the program, always with Melsec Medoc Plus, it displayed "PLC wrong response" or "Check the cable...". And now, I'm not able to send any program to the PLC.
So I would like to delete the program which is running currently in the PLC, is it possible ? Or you have another suggestion ?


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