Reaching a shared folder on a PC with a CE panel


Join Date
May 2002
I'm trying to reach a file (recipes) in a shared folder from a CE panel (Import recipes). When I connect my laptop on the network and I try to reach the folder in Windows, then I must login.

When I Run the software (WinCC Flex) in Runtime, it can reach the file and import, only after I have logged in a first time in the shared folder.

So when I download the project to the panel, it cannot reach the folder because this device isn't logged on.

I've had a similar problem several years ago, then it was solved by making a guest on the PC side, I think... as far as I can remember.
I made a Guest, but this doesn't work.

Any ideas how the panel can reach the shared folder ?
You need:

-DNS server.
-PC with share is known in the DNS.
-Config the panel to look for share through PC name, not IP.
-In the network config on the panel, there is a tab: Network > Identification. Here you enter the username and pass of a user existing on the PC, that has access to the share.

Hallo Jeebs,

Thanks for your reply.

This is the mail I sended to Siemens as well:

Ik heb een probleem bij het bereiken van een shared folder.
De situatie is als volgt:
Er staat een PC op het netwerk met de naam PCB0 waarop WinCC Flex Runtime draait. Daarop is een shared folder aangemaakt met als eigenschappen Full Control en Everyone.
In deze shared folder worden Recipes geplaatst in CSV formaat, dit dankzij de PC Runtime.
De bedoeling is van recepturen te distribueren naar panels, waarbij we de PC Runtime als Receptingave beschouwen.
Hoe doen we dit: In de PC Runtime op de PC met ExportRecipeRecords. Dit maakt dan volgende file: \\\Shared\persrecs.cs
Tot daar geen probleem.
Nu als test zet ik mijn laptop op het netwerk en het volgende ingegeven bij uitvoeren: \\\Shared\persrecs.csv
Ik merk dat ik moet aanloggen op deze PC/Server.
Dat doe ik.
Dan draai ik het panel in WinCC Flex in simulatie, met volgende script achter een button: ImportDataRecords "\\\Shared\persrecs.csv", 0, hmiOverwriteAlways, hmiOn, Null
Dit werkt.
Dus ik download naar het panel. Maar deze kan het bestand niet bereiken en geeft geen login popup of dergelijke…
Dus de MP277 kan niet op de shared, en dit omdat deze niet kan inloggen…
Er is mij gezegd dat een MP277 probeert in te loggen op user Guest. Ik heb de user Guest op de PC aangemaakt zonder passwoord, maar no succes, terwijl ik met deze user op de PC wel kan inloggen…
Hoe kan het panel de csv file van op een PC/Server bereiken ? Wat kan er aan IT kant of aan Panel kant gedaan worden opdat dit mogelijk wordt ?

If I understand well, then it's about entering the username and pass in the Panel...

I'll try this,

You need:

-DNS server.
-PC with share is known in the DNS.
-Config the panel to look for share through PC name, not IP.
-In the network config on the panel, there is a tab: Network > Identification. Here you enter the username and pass of a user existing on the PC, that has access to the share.
Network ID

Hi Jeebs,

I entered (NETWORK ID):

user name: Guest

Passwoord is left blanc. With this user I can login on the PC. Panel still can't reach the file. Domain is not filled in. Is it necessary ?
With the guest user I can reach the folder, but not login, so it has some ristrictions. I'll try the Administrator login as well.


PCB0 = local, so I don't enter a domain... or should I enter PCB0 in Domain ?

Tried Administrator. I even entered the domain. But no result. :unsure:

The DOMAIN I tried was not PCB0, but the domain of the network...

After today testing I have several extra questions:

- The name (dns) servers, do I need to enter these in de panel ?
- On my PC in Runtime it works, but my laptop gets adress and name form DHCP server,... The panel only has an IP adres at this moment, shouldn't it be added in the DNS server ?
- When I enter the password in de 'Network ID', it's cleared after entering it ??? What's the reason for this ? The user name and domain are not cleared after enetering...

Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
In the GEIP QuickPanel which is Windows CE 5.0 we script "Net use * \\computername\sharename"
This will prompt the CE box user for 'Name & Password' which can also be scripted.
Once the share is mapped from the CE box, it can be accessed from the PC end.
You can easily test this from a command prompt on the CE box.


Found the problem:

On Error Resume Next
ImportDataRecords \\\Shared\persrecs.csv ", 0, hmiOverwriteAlways, hmiOn, Null
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ShowSystemAlarm "Error #" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If

Had to be:

On Error Resume Next
ImportDataRecords \\pcb0\Shared\persrecs.csv ", 0, hmiOverwriteAlways, hmiOn, Null
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ShowSystemAlarm "Error #" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If

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