Yaskawa Motionworks Program

All Yaskawa controllers have a DIP switch that resets the programming port settings to the defaults. For MP940, this is DIP switch 2 marked "P.P."

Move this switch to "ON" position and cycle the controller power. Now PORT 1 should be set to the default 19200, N, 8, 1 setting

MP940 DIP Switches.jpg
Correct i test with 9600 baud rate and 19200, i test all possibilities, i clear memory and initialize mp940 with dip switch and same error, i dip phisical port (pp) and same error, please could you send me how you mount the cable? I test with an YS-15 and YS-13 and same error on two cables. Apparently is how no exist cable between serial port of PC and port1 of mp940

Does your laptop actually have COM2 port? Is that some kind of a USB-to-serial converter?

Check in your Windows hardware settings if your device has a driver and what COM port it is actually set to. The “no device” message in your Yaskawa Communications Manager window means there is no such COM port recognized on your laptop
Enter user variables

Hi, sorry for first, i need to input user variables (mwxxxx,mfxxxxx, mbxxxxxx,...) And I don't see on enter in file manager, could say me or send a type program for see it.
Very very thanks!!
Hello, I am trying to enter the parameters of an MP940 unit with the CPMC-MPE720 Engineering tool MPE720 software
Version 5 (130) and I can't find where to enter: USER CONSTANTS (CF), USER VARIABLES (MF ML MB MW) AND SYSTEM VARIABLES (MB MF OW), please could you tell me how to enter them?
Thank you so much.
1. Use the function keys below to insert a new command
2. Enter the desired command using a toolbar or the menu
3. Just type in the address you want to use (MB0034 in this example) and hit Enter
4. Don't forget to use "Save" function key.

This software is not the easiest one to use. Maybe getting a live advice from the nearest Yaskawa support would be a better idea.

MW5_1.jpg MW5_2.jpg

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