electrician having difficulty connecting to slc 503

Search for clearing RSLinx harmony. It should appear on the forum search.

It's sort of like rebooting Windows for RSLinx. I have had times where RSLinx showed a SLC as faulted when it wasn't and could go online with it.

Close RSLinx, delete the 2 files (and only 2 - not 3) then reopen RSLinx. I don't have the file with me but it is simply deleting 2 files in the Program Files/Rockwell/RSCommon - might be the (x86) files, and either Rockwell Automation or Rockwell Software.
Do you have a usb to rs 232 converter laying around and you just plug a null 9 pin cable into that and the processor. You should then be able to auto config rslinx with the DF1 driver and then talk to the processor, because you have hard reset the processor back to DF1
Null modem cable with RS232 serial is way to go for the 503. Amazon has them for $15.00. I ordered my Toughbook with built in Serial. Never had to worry about USB to serial conversion. Go the DF route. Auto-configures in a second.
Why are so many people afraid or have issues with USB? just buy a good one (like the ones I sell) and you wont have any issues, I see no reason to buy a 1,500.00 laptop so I can get a 5 dollar cable to work... but do whatever makes you happy I guess, I have sold thousands (10's of thousands) of cables and my customers dont have issues, the only reason you need a real serial port is if you need to support old software (DOS based) LM90, Step5 other than that spend the money on a vacation with your spouse :rolleyes:
Why are so many people afraid or have issues with USB? just buy a good one (like the ones I sell) and you wont have any issues, I see no reason to buy a 1,500.00 laptop so I can get a 5 dollar cable to work... but do whatever makes you happy I guess, I have sold thousands (10's of thousands) of cables and my customers dont have issues, the only reason you need a real serial port is if you need to support old software (DOS based) LM90, Step5 other than that spend the money on a vacation with your spouse :rolleyes:

Long day genius? Grab hold of the lawn chair and have a cool one.

thanks again for your help, I deleted the harmony files ( only found one of them) and purchased the usa-19hs cord you recomended and I'm still having issues wïh rs linx crashing , after auto configuring the driver I opened rs500 and set the new com driver as the dfi from linx as well as the port and baud settings , then I tried to download my program and rs linx timed out and crashed , ( the processor has no program in it by the way ,)

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