Welcome to the PLCTalk forum community, and thanks for those photos/screenshots !
First, click and pull down the separators between the status frame at the bottom and the network views at the top. RSLinx Enterprise likes to show graphical views of the network architecture as you browse it.
PanelBuilder32 used "PLC names" in the communication configuration, where you would set up the PLC type, and the network address. Then the PanelView had a Tag Database, which correlated every PanelView tag with a PLC name and a PLC address.
FactoryTalk View and RSLinx Enterprise (aka FactoryTalk Linx) work simliarly, especially when you convert a PanelBuilder32 application. Linx has a defined Shortcut name, which is configured for a network path and addresses in both the Development and Runtime panes. 90% of the time you're using Ethernet with similar addressing, so you just click a button to copy the Development schema to the Runtime tab.
In your case it looks like the PLC name from PanelBuilder32 did not get automatically created as a Shortcut name. That might be because the modern FTView/FTLinx doesn't support Data Highway 485, or something might have gone wrong in the conversion.
Open up the HMI Tag Database in FactoryTalk View, and look at the Shortcut names for each tag. That's the Shortcut name you should create with the [Add] button in FTLinx Communications Configuration, then set up the networks and PLC nodes/addresses in the browse schema windows to the right.