Fatek FBs-60MC duplicate coil error

Other PLCs have more than one language inside, for example ST (structured text) which is basically Pascal. So then you can choose what's best for different parts of the program.
Yea , thanks , i know is other type of languages on PLC , probably more easy for me , that why i buy it strictly to ladder . I was suspected C is some parts is buggy and childish compared with some good brands PLC based on ladder . I read some time ago the child game arduino made a PLC .
I rather prefer to struggle learning ladder on basic PLC , older , stronger , ton of coffee and white nights with help of friends around the world .
Thank you all (y)
Here is my mantra: PLC programming is primarily about time, and the scan cycle is the clock. When something happens is more important than what happens.


I am only a hobbyist with PLCs, but I once asked my brother, who worked with PLC for decades, what PLC programming was about. He paused and thought for a moment, and then said "Time."

The "what" is easy: it's Boolean logic so there are only three operations:
  • binary AND - two (or more) instructions in series on a rung or branch
  • binary OR - two branches of logic in parallel
  • unary NOT - the -]/[- instruction.
Add De Morgan's Laws to that and you have everything you need for the "what."

The rest is understanding the scan cycle and the order of evaluation of rungs, branches, and instructions, which is another way of understanding how the PLC operates in time.
Add De Morgan's Laws to that and you have everything you need for the "what."
Well about concept you absolutely right . Unfortunately im not really close friend with Morgan , let say i'm very close to Gauss and Newmann :)
Im really focus on Golub guy , he have deep points about our future era , of course that's depends of our children progress .
But you made a good point there . Anyway , i watch some videos you recommended me . Some rules i know because is just logical , but some don't unfortunately . Thanks for pointing out .
I suggest you watch at least three or four of the ~10-minute videos in this series.
And actually if we looking on video 11 of those series, min @2:53 , the single thing in common PLC have with microcontrollers is only math and truth table , nothing more.
Probably from here lead misconceptions and mistakes because , as example , any PLC brand have his own compiler and without knowing the compiler functions actually don't know anything concrete , like my fatek don't have TOF timers , so everything is reduced to logic.
I didn't have time to find a diskete reader to USB to test the RS-Logix 500 compiler , but i'm sure will be a big mess in my head starting to learn other rules.
Fortunately Allen have plenty of good videos and documentation in english where you can learn .
I remember when i made all float temp and modbus conversions on fatek , no one say me to mark the register i work with DD to see the real value of number .
I figure out by myself switching view to binary and i figure out what's going on . So , soon you know all the rules and principles anything you need to know , is how to manipulate the compiler to made you rule to work :)
Thanks to all again

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