Could anyone assist with some pointers as to how this could best be achieved ?
Problem -
- customer wants an analogue output (0 - 5V) which has a variable output and ramp time set by a recipe system. The curve ball is, the output doesn't always start from 0. For example, one recipe sequence starts with a valve at a pilot flow rate of say 0.5V output from the analogue output card, this then needs to ramp up to the full flow rate set at 4.5V over 6 seconds, but these are variable with which recipe is selected.
My problem is I don't know how to do this and make it dynamic so that when any recipe is selected, it then calculates the difference in output values (from pilot flow to then full flow) over the ramp time selected
I started going down the route of calculating the difference between the 2 flow rates and then dividing that gain by the ramp time it had to span and then trying to do that using timers and counters to increment the output value, but I think I'm over complicating it (and rapidly running out of plc programming knowledge needed to complete this task).
Equipment used - FX5UC plc and FX5-4DA analogue output card (GX works 3 and GT Designer)
Recipe variables - Pilot flow rate / Full flow rate / Ramp time
Any pointers/answers are very much appreciated
Could anyone assist with some pointers as to how this could best be achieved ?
Problem -
- customer wants an analogue output (0 - 5V) which has a variable output and ramp time set by a recipe system. The curve ball is, the output doesn't always start from 0. For example, one recipe sequence starts with a valve at a pilot flow rate of say 0.5V output from the analogue output card, this then needs to ramp up to the full flow rate set at 4.5V over 6 seconds, but these are variable with which recipe is selected.
My problem is I don't know how to do this and make it dynamic so that when any recipe is selected, it then calculates the difference in output values (from pilot flow to then full flow) over the ramp time selected
I started going down the route of calculating the difference between the 2 flow rates and then dividing that gain by the ramp time it had to span and then trying to do that using timers and counters to increment the output value, but I think I'm over complicating it (and rapidly running out of plc programming knowledge needed to complete this task).
Equipment used - FX5UC plc and FX5-4DA analogue output card (GX works 3 and GT Designer)
Recipe variables - Pilot flow rate / Full flow rate / Ramp time
Any pointers/answers are very much appreciated