We have a servo (VPL-A0632F-P) and a drive (2198-H003-ERS), we're trying to reverse the direction of turn, the way it was originally commissioned has the movement forward as negative and we want the inverse . We have change the polarity offline in Designer 5000 but when the program is downloaded to the PLC, we always get a Start Inhibited bit which wont let us continue. The Kinetix drive shows a "Commutation not configured" message. For what I read, commutation should be set to motor offset since we are using a motor from the catalog.
Motor feedback test completes but the "Accept test results" stays grayed out. Motor and feedback test wont run because of the start inhibited bit.
Any suggestions or tips are appreciated,.
Motor feedback test completes but the "Accept test results" stays grayed out. Motor and feedback test wont run because of the start inhibited bit.
Any suggestions or tips are appreciated,.