ArchestrA symbols using Wonderware InTouch only

Well, that's not a good solution either

Since the graphic that I drew in ArchestrA isn't complex, I just turned of the background grid and used the window snipping tool to grab the image. Now I'm using GIMP to make the background transparent and I will import it into InTouch. Not the most elegant way, but at least I won't have to redraw the device.

Well, that's not working too well for me, as Symbol Factory seems to only be able to import a BMP or WMF file, which don't handle transparency. Pasting my transparent image from the clipboard into Symbol Factory gives me a new image with a black background.

Any ideas on how to get an image with a transparent background into InTouch Window Maker?

I couldn't figure out how to import a transparent image and ended up redrawing the device in WindowMaker. o_O

All of the HMI development products from different manufacturers seem to have their oddities, but I think WonderWare is worse than the others. Which is really disappointing considering the extremely high license cost of the software.
We were required to use Wonderware at the customer's request. I last used it around 12 years ago. Galaxy, Archestra IDE, "publishing", etc. were all new concepts to me. I started out trying a managed app. Then I started a stand-alone app. Then I switched back and forth. I tried to use ArchestraA symbols. I tried to use the symbols in my stand-alone app. I tried to break them apart and reconfigure them. In the end, due to budget and schedule constraints, I just made a conventional stand-alone application. I just created whatever graphics and functions I needed the old-fashioned way. The Archestra/Galaxy environment is great, I'm sure. But holy cow, who has the kind of time needed to climb that hill the first time? Certainly not me.
Having used Intouch since version 7 i think it was easier to adapt to System Platform. Archestra is great when you understand object oriented approach very powerfull. It definitely requires change in mindset from a flat tag approach but if you are able to utilize the power it is by far one of the best packages out there. I have used Citect, WinCC, RSView, Android and some other lesser known systems.

I dont think they have developed as rapidly as Archestra. I know they have a very good R&D department and are constantly engaging on their customer requirements.
Once you publish the Intouch app to make it standalone, can you import it back to add/edit graphics?

I don't think so. The preferred method is to keep the managed app as the master, perform edits in IDE, and publish the app again to transfer to HMIs.
Yesterday I saw a brief introduction to the new features of Intouch 2014 R2, due to be released in sept or oct 2014. They claim that you no longer have to flip to IDE to edit ArchestrA graphics and then flip to Windowmaker for Intouch graphics. You can edit ArchestrA graphics from within Intouch Windowmaker without IDE. Could this mean that you no longer have to use a Managed App in order to utilize ArchestrA graphics?

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