Rs logix 5000 in windows 7

It is not officially supported, but I do have it running on W7 Ultimate 64 bit. A lot of people run it on Virtual XP within W7.
Depends on the version of RSLogix 5000. Version 17 added official support for Vista. Version 18 is the most recent.

Generally, if software supports Vista, it should run under Windows 7 too.

Logix 5000 in windows 7

I am running v16 and it crashes every time i try to run it. v17 works fine. how did you get 16 to work? anything special? i am trying it not using virtualpc for now.
I have a Windows 7 laptop (Ultimate 32 bits). RSLogix 5000 V13, 15 and 17 work great. V16 always crash. Tried reinstalling, running as admninistrator, running in compatibility mode (WinXP SP3) but nothing works.

Only solution I found was runnin in Windows XP mode.
Whats really strange is that out of the 10 PLC programmers at my office, we are two using Windows 7 and we have the same problem with V16 only.

Everybody else that are using Vista and XP are ok...

I really don't get it.
I doubt Rockwell will 'fix' v.16 for Windows 7/Vista, so a general rule of thumb, if you want all the prior revs is to use Windows 7 sparingly, and use virtual XP mode for the nagging versions. Or just stick with XP.

I'm sticking with XP for now. I have projects in 17.1 and 18.1 so I guess I'm lucky when corporate rolls out 7 on all machines in Q1. So far, I'm on the resist-list, as I have FTStudio and Logix500 as well.
I'm already using XP mode to "fix" this. What I do not get is that it works on my Vista machines...

Probably a Windows 7 update that messed up something for V16...
At TechED they said that they would not go back and change the compatibility of older versions. I believe V19 is the only version that officially supports W7.

However, I have had V13-17 installed on W7 Ultimate 64bit and I currently have V13-V19 installed on W7 Enterprise 32bit. Both machines were/are fully updated.

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