Using a concat instruction in tia to help


Join Date
Aug 2005
Hi all I am trying to set up a lhttp instruction to connect to an api https (with our IT) this will send data back to the plc?
I have an api https address for the url address for the lhttp_get but , I need to change the works number in the url address to call the right product? Say its http://api######300000##### I will need to change the 300000, I have heard that I could us a concat can this be done ? And how easy is it
Pretty simple, I think it can be done in a handful of instructions:

  • Start with a the basic tags you know:
    • URLFMT: String, URL with placeholders for the works number e.g. the blue Ws at ordinal position 29 are where the works number should go
    • WORKSNUM: DINT, works number to be inserted as a string e.g. 300000
    • URL: String, output URL with works number replacing WS
  • Allocate some other intermediate tags:
    • MWORKSNUM: DINT, the works number plus one million, so you get leading zeros
      • Protecting against works numbers that are either negative or greater than 999999 is left as an exercise
  • Write the URLFMT string to URL"
    • URL := URLFMT;
  • Add one million to the number to a six-digit string
    • MWORKSNUM := WORKSNUM + 1000000;
  • Write those seven digits, with the leading 1 play any subsequent zeros, into the URL, starting one position before the works number to account for the leading 1 that will be removed
    • VAL_STRING(in:=MWORKSNUM,size=7,prec:=0,format:=0,P:=29,out=URL);
  • Replace the first 29 character of URL to overwrite the leading 1 (millions digit)
    • REPLACE(in1:=URL,in2:=URLFMT,L:=29,p:=1,out:=URL);
Summat like that; there are other approaches (see RIGHT and CONCAT functions), especially if you don't need the leading zeros if the works number is below 100,000.
Thanks guys , I think I will have to try tomorrow , if I had the number entered on the hmi ,would I move that value into #udiworksorder?
Is the format always like this:
"http://api######" + Work Order Number + "#####" ?

The "http://api######" and the "#####" are fixed and do not change, only the work order number is input by the HMI ?

Must the work order number always have 6 digits, or does it grow or shrink depending on the number ?
I.e. "123" or "000123" ?

I think it is as simple as defining static strings for the beginning and and of the address, converting the work order number into a string (fixed or variable length) and then concating all 3 strings into the address.
thanks gents that works with the 500000 -the number is always going to be 7 numbers long
can #udiWorksOrder := 5000000; i understand this could be an input ? but how can i code that , this is new but interesting learning

i just added a s move from hmi to a hmi work order tag . the network and put it i where #udiworksorder is so #hmi works order input(string) := #udiworksorder (udint)
if i change the udint to a string it doesnt like it
OK, then it is really simple. No need to "find" or "replace" the position in the string.

Something like this should be enough:
VAL_STRG(IN:=#udiWorksOrder, // input from HMI
                  OUT-> #sOrderNumber);

#sWorksOrder := CONCAT(IN1:='http://api######', IN2:=#sOrderNumber, IN3:='######');

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