

Having some issues with downloading to a Micro Logix 1000. I’m using A-B cable 1761- CBL-PM02. When I run RSLINX it see the node, but when I go to download I get the message “Download Failed! Could not get Processor Ownership” Earlier I had no problems, Is there something I’m over looking?

Make sure that the processor keyswitch is in remote or program mode. Also make sure no one else on the network has the processor called up online. Memory modules will also protect the processor if you have one installed.
That's a confounding error message, one I've only seen once in real life but I read that it can occur. What it's supposed to mean is that another user is editing the controller and "has the edit resource". Of course, this is a MicroLogix 1000, so that's not the case.

RSLogix 500 v5 and above are supposed to have a "Force Access" function to overcome that problem on the bigger SLC's. (that's from the Knowbase).

You might have to default the memory before you can download to this controller. Try also doing an RSLinx reconfiguration; shut down, delete Harmony.RSH and Harmony.HRC and restart and reconfigure.
Maybe u can go to Controller Properties/Controller Communication/Driver (choose AB_DF-1). Then the AB_DF-1 driver name should appear on top of the left hand side project side. Lastly, click donwload.

Hope it helps. :)
Ken is right. I have run into that problem and the only way I was able to cure it was to force access. I imagine if that does not work, defaulting the memory will.

Is this an existing or a previously programmed unit?

I must have programmed 1000's of micrologix stations in the last 5 years. I have seen that error only when someone got the bright idea to lock the processor with a password. But this is how I trasfer programs.

Start RSLinx. Goto Communications and see what driver you have running. If it is anything but AB-DF1 delete it then add that driver using the drop down menu at the top of the screen. Goto the config screen and hit Autoconfig on the lower left hand side after you have plugged the cable into the processor. It should automatically set all the comm setting. Close out of the screen and run RS-Who and you should see the processor icon on the screen.

Be advised it is also possible to use the AB-PIC driver to establish comm if it had previously been set up that way.


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