Demand report from RSView32


Join Date
Aug 2007
Does anybody have an example of a macro or VBA that will automatically produce and save a report file from RSView32?

I have a panel mounted touchscreen computer running RSView32 V7.5. The operators will not have a keyboard installed for routine ops, so everything needs to be driven by buttons on the screens.

I was hoping to use OpenOffice Base or Calc to query the Data Log file to produce an 8 Tag report of 15 minute data and automatically save the file to disk.

You probably already have a solution to this but I saw this post while searching for a way to do this with Factory Talk View. For RSView32 I have been using a utility from Rockwell that does the very thing you asked about. It can be found in the knowledgebase. It is technote 9239.
Hi all,

i do not have a support contract with rockwell so cannot view this technote, any chance someone could post it on here for me as I am currently trying to use this package.

Kindest Regards,
Hi all,

i do not have a support contract with rockwell so cannot view this technote, any chance someone could post it on here for me as I am currently trying to use this package.

Kindest Regards,

Reposting that information is not permitted, as it is copyrighted, and Rockwell has determined to keep it hidden. Your best chance is asking your representative to get you a copy.
You can open and view a datalog using a few lines of vba. In the example below, I'm extracting data from a number of different datalogs and using it to calculate the standard deviation for a range of tag values. The results are stored into a regular tag, however you could dump to .csv without too much trouble:

Public Sub UpdateStatistics()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim msName As String
    msName = "UpdateStatistics"
    Dim nMachineNumber, i, j As Integer
    Dim oMeasuredTags As Tags
    Dim oTag As tag
    Dim sTagNames As StringList
    Dim sigmaTagName As String
    Dim Data() As Variant
    Dim oDataLogModel As DataLogModel
    Dim dtStart, dtEnd As Date
    Dim oDLNarrowRecs As DataLogNarrowRecords
    Dim nDataLogSeconds As Integer
    Dim dtSubStart, dtSubEnd As Date
    dtSubStart = Now
    gTagDb.GetTag("nLastStatCalcTime").Value = gTagDb.GetTag("nRSViewRuntime").Value
    'the number of seconds of data to grab from data log. Statisical calculations will be performed on this data.
    'ie. 60 seconds means that the previous 60 seconds (from the newest record in the data log) will be used for the calcs.
    nDataLogSeconds = CInt(gTagDb.GetTag("Setpoints\nStdDevDataLogDuration").Value) * 60

    'perform the stat calcs for each machine group
     For i = 1 To ThisProject.sMachineGroups.Count
        Set oDataLogModel = gDataLog.DataLogModels(ThisProject.sMachineGroups(i) & "_LocalTest")
        Set oMeasuredTags = gTagDb.QueryForTags(ThisProject.sMachineGroups(i) & "\*Measured")
        Set sTagNames = New StringList
        'Set the end date to the newest time in the model.
        dtEnd = oDataLogModel.GetTimeOfNewestRecord
        'Set the start time to be the previous nDataLogSeconds
        dtStart = DateAdd("s", -nDataLogSeconds, dtEnd)
        For Each oTag In oMeasuredTags
            sTagNames.Add oTag.FullName
            ReDim Data(0)
            'get the last (dtStart - dtEnd) seconds of data from the data log for the current 'measured' tag
            Set oDLNarrowRecs = oDataLogModel.ReadTagDataNarrow(sTagNames, dtStart, dtEnd, , roMaxReadRecordsAll)
            If oDLNarrowRecs.Count <= 0 Then
                MsgBox "Error in VBA Sub UpdateStats - no data log records returned for [" & oTag.FullName & "]", vbOKOnly, "Error in VBA sub UpdateStats"
                Exit Sub
                'extract the actual tag data from the record
                 For j = 0 To oDLNarrowRecs.Count - 1
                    ReDim Preserve Data(j)
                    Data(j) = oDLNarrowRecs.Item(j + 1).DataLogTagValue.Value
                'calculate the standard deviation for the extracted tag data
                sigmaTagName = VBA.Mid(oTag.FullName, 1, Len(oTag.FullName) - 8) & "sigma"  'remove the 'Measured' from the end of the tagname and append 'sigma' instead
                CalcStandardDev Data(), sigmaTagName
            End If
    'clean up
    Set oDataLogModel = Nothing
    Set oMeasuredTags = Nothing
    Set sTagNames = Nothing
    Set oDLNarrowRecs = Nothing
    ReDim Data(0)
    dtSubEnd = Now
    gActivity.Log msName & " duration: dtSubStart: [" & CStr(dtSubStart) & "]" & " dtSubEnd: [" & CStr(dtSubEnd) & "]", , , , "CUSTOM VBA"
    Exit Sub
  MsgBox "ERROR #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ERROR: " & msName
  gActivity.Log "ERROR #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, roActivityError, roActivityCustom1, 0, msName
End Sub

Here's an example of how to extract data from an alarm log. I use this logic to snag the top 10 most frequent alarms from a particular alarm log. I execute the code when a the user displays an 'alarm report' screen.

In this case, the alarms are extracted based on the value of a couple of filter tags specified by the operator: 'sSelectedMachineGroup', 'nSelectedMachineNumber', and 'sSelectedAlarmLog':

Public Function GetAlarmCounts(alarmFilter As String, dbFileName As String) As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim msName As String
    msName = "GetAlarmCounts"

    Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim oRstAlarmCounts As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim oFS As New FileSystemObject
    Dim sSQL As String
    Dim sReturn() As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Set oRstAlarmCounts = New ADODB.Recordset
    'make sure we have a valid alarm log to work with
    If oFS.FileExists(gProject.Path & "\ALMLOG\" & dbFileName & ".dbf") Then
        Set oConn = OpenAlarmDB(gProject.Path & "\ALMLOG")
        'create a query to get an ordered list of all *distinct* incoming alarms (InFlt or InAlm) associated with the supplied alarm filter
        sSQL = "SELECT TagName, Count(TagName) as Count, TransType FROM " & dbFileName & _
                " WHERE TagName LIKE '%" & alarmFilter & "%'" & _
                " AND TransType LIKE 'In%'" & _
                " GROUP BY TagName"
        oRstAlarmCounts.CursorLocation = adUseClient
        'execute the query
        oRstAlarmCounts.Open sSQL, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
        ReDim sReturn(0, 1)
        sReturn(0, 0) = "No Alarms Found."
        sReturn(0, 1) = 0
        'make sure we got some alarms
        If Not oRstAlarmCounts.EOF Then
            'create an array sized to the number of alarms we've retrieved
            ReDim sReturn(oRstAlarmCounts.RecordCount - 1, 1)
            'loop through the list of alarms and obtain a count for each one.
            For i = 1 To oRstAlarmCounts.RecordCount
                ' Add the alarm tagname and count to the return array
                sReturn(i - 1, 0) = VBA.Trim(oRstAlarmCounts.Fields("TagName").Value)
                sReturn(i - 1, 1) = oRstAlarmCounts.Fields("Count").Value
        End If
        GetAlarmCounts = Sort2DArray(sReturn)
        MsgBox "VBA sub " & msName & " was supplied with one or more invalid parameters:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
        "machineFilter:" & vbTab & "[" & alarmFilter & "]" & vbNewLine & _
        "dbFileName (no extension):" & vbTab & "[" & dbFileName & "]", vbOKOnly, "VBA Error in " & msName
    End If
    Set oConn = Nothing
    Set oFS = Nothing
    Set oRstAlarmCounts = Nothing
    Exit Function
  MsgBox "ERROR #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "ERROR: " & msName
  gActivity.Log "ERROR #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, roActivityError, roActivityCustom1, 0, msName
End Function

Public Function OpenAlarmDB(dbPath As String)
    Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
      oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" & _
               "SourceType=DBF;" & _
               "SourceDB=" & dbPath & ";" & _

    Set OpenAlarmDB = oConn

End Function

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