Greetings Controllogix 5561 176-L61B data restore


Join Date
Sep 2023
Hello all first time user here with a question about how to repopulate data on my controllogix 5561 176-L61B. Combination of a low PLC battery and power outage corrupted or erased my PLC data.

I am an owner/operator and not educated in PLC programing yet. The machine the PLC lives in has a PC that came with the unit when I purchased it that displays factory talk interface. I looked through the cabinet for a disk or thumb drive. I think the data file is saved on the PC (*ACD file?) as well as the program I will need to reupload the PLC info from the pc.

Will an intensive class on PLC's be what I need to go through to gain the knowledge to re upload the data?

I have gone to manufacturers of the machine and as well as AB and Rockwell/ Bosch. I have been given the full ghost going on my 3rd month.

I guess I need to know where to start with my issue and I have been directed here by TW Controls.

Any help will be appreciated.
Have you contacted your local Rockwell distributor. They could advise if the files you have are valid backups. They also could advise on local integrators that you could contact to assist.
The action of re-uploading (actually called downloading in this case but I'm not going to open that can of worms lol) the program to the PLC is simple in and of itself, but knowing whether or not the file is valid and/or if there would have been changes made since that file was created is the tricky part. In addition to that, the software licenses are very expensive, so it would likely be cheaper to have a system integrator check it out and download the program to the PLC as glenncovington mentioned. Might be worth a google search for system integrators or automation companies in your area.
If you have an up-to-date offline version of the file (which would indeed be an ACD extension), then putting the file back on the PLC is fairly straightforward... as long as you have the software.

The software license is, as mylespetro noted, quite expensive. Check on the PC in case you have it -- the name you are looking for is 'RSLogix 5000'.

If you don't have the software, it's likely to be cheaper to pay an integrator to come out and dump the program back in for you.

If you do have the software and program, the next issue is connecting. You can connect directly to the processor with either a serial cable or via USB, but depending on how the system is set up you may also be able to connect via Ethernet.
Thank you Glenn. Fellow Virginia resident I'm in Roanoke. I reached out to EEC and they gave me the number for their PLC specialist.

I do have the ACD file and i do have the RS Logix 5000 on the local PC. I had a systems tech friend help me locate them both and we actually had it open and could have done the download but i was unsure and wanted a second set of eyes before i made a serious error. The ACD file has remained unchanged since 2008 when the press was constructed so i know it has not been changed as i was the one to have it put in in 08". I had figured whomever built the system left back ups for us future people and i guess i was right.
Thank you Glenn. Fellow Virginia resident I'm in Roanoke. I reached out to EEC and they gave me the number for their PLC specialist.

I do have the ACD file and i do have the RS Logix 5000 on the local PC. I had a systems tech friend help me locate them both and we actually had it open and could have done the download but i was unsure and wanted a second set of eyes before i made a serious error.

Sounds smart to me, I think you might be up a creek regarding any changes that may have been made over the years, but since you own the machine you'd have a good idea whether or not anyone's ever made any program changes. Better to have the program you have than none at all.
As luck would have it the unit has never been connected to the Ethernet the entire time i have owned it. So I am positive there have been zero updates.
I was able to resolve my issues with help from a local specialist. Guy came buy on his own dime and time and got my issue resolved immediately. I appreciate the assistance you all have offered.

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