siemens S5 programmer???

I have a customer and Louisville Kentucky it's looking for some Siemens S5 help. They need to upload a program to troubleshoot why it will not start. Machine shipped from across the pond somewhere. It ran then but it won't run now. That is all I know about this system.

Anybody interested PM me.

PS If I put this in 1 of the others Help wanted I get junk email.

Hi Jeff if they can go online with laptop . and have internet connection i can help you load program and find faults etc

let me know
Hi Jeff if they can go online with laptop . and have internet connection i can help you load program and find faults etc

let me know

Highly unlikely , the S5 uses the Rs232 to 20ma CL interface cable. This would require a laptop with a true serial port and a 9 pin to 25 pin null modem cable to connect to the RS232/CL cable.
Not to mention the Step5 for DOS or Step5 for Windows software.
I have a true serial port on 3 laptops. I am working on getting some software.
First you need any laptop with s5 loaded
And able to communicate with s5.
Then load team viewer free of internet
Then anybody with viewer can remote your laptop
And work on any plc connected to laptop
I do this for customers in middle east on s5
Yes you can buy converter USB cost around
130 euro this will work on any laptop with
Windows xp then you require s5 7.1 .
And maybe graph 5 for monitoring
You can obtain both free of charge
And away you go with your s5 no problems
Hi It really is too far for me but some pics would be good.
Do you know if any of the outputs are coming on?
Be very careful of the Run/stop/MRST (If it's got one) switch. You can clear the program with it!

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