100% completely OT - Trailing stops

Terry You don't really believe that the NSA story is a valid concern do you?
Can't you see that it's just a witch hunt to try and get Hayden.

I believe firmly in the causes of, and the reasons for, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)!

NSA, as described in the NSA story, and confirmed by Georgie (He did so, today!), is in DIRECT VIOLATION of that Act!

Georgie, and the NSA, under his direction, are... BREAKIN' THE LAW!... BREAKIN' THE LAW!

In terms of the American Public, Nixon did less, and yet... he knew he crossed the line!

And then Clinton, holy cow! He was subjected to Impeachment for getting a B.J.!!!


By the way...

I don't have a problem with an active Military guy running the NSA. After all, the first Chief of the CIA was the Military guy in charge of the OSS in World War II (Wild Bill - whats-his-name).

However, I do have a problem with that guy (Hayden) being the expediter, if not the author, of the particular violation! Either case is very bad for the American Public!

DAMN! Don't you people see how close we are to being asked on the street for... "Papers, Please!".

No... I'm not being paranoid, although I am afraid! It is simply that I can see that all that is happening now has all happened before! (History counts!)
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Terry Woods said:
Peter said...

Several years ago, FEMA was among the top-rated government agencies. It was highly respected by the States, because it worked very well with the States.


I'll stay clear of politics, but I can give first hand examples of how FEMA worked last year and back in NC when Hugo came through.

After Fredrick, I don't remember anything that FEMA did. Bad storm.

Hugo, hell of a storm by any standard. At the time I lived on a sailboat on Lake Norman in NC. I did what I could, left work early (at the amusement of others I worked with) and found a shelter for the night. Day after, the boat was simply crushed. I took the loss, found an apartment, and moved in. FEMA showed up, not a lot of fuss or muss, and advertised that if you had a loss to contact them. I didn't. Those who did dealt with some red tape, and got limited help. No big deal, I figured the loss was mine to take. Most of the people I worked with had near seen a storm like this. They were in shock after the storm. After Fredrick, I was well prepared for what a storm could do. Alabama Power was on the scene fast, and their help was grand.

Bunches of storms later, comes Ivan. I knew when they named that one it was trouble. I've been fighting Ivan most of my life. Anyway, here comes FEMA. For those of us in South Alabama, it was bad. No power for a couple weeks bad. Clear the roads. (Everyone in the neighborhood, met at daylight to muster equipment, organize, and cut our way out of the mess.) Then we looked at our property. Mostly roof and tree damage. Generators started humming, and grills were fired up. BTW, you could get fresh water, MRE's and ice, at the armory. FEMA was in town. So was the Red Cross, and Duke Power (Thanks to the kind folks in NC.) The response was truly amazing. People came from everywhere. FEMA, started the red tape process, and lots of folks got lots of money. Many took advantage of the situation, and took money that went to ill use. More on that later. Still, FEMA was there within a day or so. Keep in mind, we couldn't travel until we, yes we, cleared the roads. No one expected the govt to do this for us. Most of us took the ice, water and MRE's, but didn't press for further help.

Next came Katrina. This time everyone was expecting exactly what came after Ivan. They had become dependant. Worse yet, This time the damage was much worse for friends and family on the coast. FEMA showed up in force, with the "please take this stuff, 'cause we have to get rid of it attitude." I knew that there were others that needed these supplies. We had power within a week. A relative has power, but no house to light up. Next came the trailers, cruse ships, hotels shelters of all types. Understand there were still a lot of "blue roofs" left over from Ivan. Roofers, shingles, plywood all in short supply. The money that FEMA expedited was needed, but it took quite a while to get materials to start rebuilding. Without FEMA, I'm sure things would be a lot worse. People are still rebuilding.

Now, back to the people who abused all of this. They are getting caught. :) OK fine, but there was something worse going on. FEMA workers were getting shot at in The Big Easy. Looting was rampant; people expected the govt to bail them out, with no effort on their own part. The very people who refused free transportation out of the city. Something is bad wrong with that picture.

Let me say that I love New Orleans. I love Biloxi, Mobile, Pensicola, and the rest of this area. Most of the people in this area shudder at the thought of the govt doing anything for them. We don't like taxes, and we don't like anyone messing around in our "bidness."

The press took a bad situation, and made it worse. Poor leadership, at the local level compounded the situation. I am sure that the people of FEMA were doing their best, in a very bad situation. Try to understand that transportation was shut down. Bridges were out. Cell phones were useless. Trees littered the roads like ants on a pick nick birthday cake. Forget the loss of power. These people, rather than help their selves, chose to loot from their neighbors, and shoot at those trying to help. Then we heard the liberal battle cry, "Someone needs to help these underprivileged people." What these people needed was a boot so far up their posterior, that their breath smelled like shoe polish.

In short, FEMA is better now than ever. FEMA did not drop the ball. FEMA is run by the govt, and because of that it is littered with red tape. Yes it could be better. But hey, Fredrick was just as bad, we did just fine without much help from FEMA.
Terry Woods said:
And then Clinton, holy cow! He was subjected to Impeachment for getting a B.J.!!!

Actually it was for lying to a grand jury.
And that man collected the FBI files on his political enemies.
That comment gets down the root of the Bush hating. The right hated Clinton, so the left will hate Bush.

Get this- I also heard that he NSA has books with everyones names, addresses and phone numbers printed in alphabetical order, broken down by city.
Rick Densing said:
Actually it was for lying to a grand jury.
And that man collected the FBI files on his political enemies.
That comment gets down the root of the Bush hating. The right hated Clinton, so the left will hate Bush.

Get this- I also heard that he NSA has books with everyones names, addresses and phone numbers printed in alphabetical order, broken down by city.

But you haven't seen evidence of that on the cover of USA Today.

I'm a little worried. Terry made an unnerving point about how close we are to "Papers, please!". Consider that the Justice Department investigation into the wiretapping case, and one where an innocent German citizen was kidnapped off the street, flown to Afghanistan, tortured for 5 months, then dumped back in Europe on a hilltop, are BOTH being blocked by the White House and Attorney General, on the pretense that conducting the investigation will reveal state secrets.

Read closely now, kiddies - here's the scary part - the GWB White House does not recognize any checks to it's power, and does not accept any investigation into it's activities. It operates unilaterally within our own government.

I'm waiting for them to declare emergency war powers and cancel the 2008 elections. Once, that would have been absurd - now, it's scary how plausible it's become.

You know what no one is saying (both here and in mass media)? The same USA Today paper ran a very small, very buried story that explained that the data the NSA gathered from the telcos did not include names or addresses and that the data was public information before the NSA gathered it... Basically the NSA gathered public information into a giant database in an attempt to spot trends in the telco industry that might tell them something about terrorists...

Before it starts; I do realize that there are lots of people who will respond to this with sentiments along the lines of "don't confuse me with the facts"... I'm just putting this out there as food for thought.
I have a few thoughts on this tangent.

Get this- I also heard that he NSA has books with everyones names, addresses and phone numbers printed in alphabetical order, broken down by city.

Why wouldn't that be expected? Just look at what an individual can find on the Internet using sites like whitepages.com or ussearch.com.

Think about it, every child born in the US is given a Social Security number at birth, naturally any child born here is a US citizen whether the parents are or not.

As Terry said look at history, the US was a formed by States (small countries) that united from common ideas. One of the primary ideas was freedom of religion and another was inalienable rights given by GOD. One, if not the primary reason, for unification was "protection" because there were other countries more powerful that wanted control of America. Thru this unification we were able to "defend" ourselves against invasion.

The funny part about these rights, religious freedom, and GOD aspect is that today we are being told we can not express those beliefs anywhere the government is involved i.e. government buildings, schools, etc. Our money still says "IN GOD WE TRUST" though.

For almost 100 years we grew and expanded this UNITED concept but then several factors were introduced that divided the States, this led to a "War between the States".

I will not go into details concerning WHY there was a war but the outcome is where things changed. We were no longer States (small countries) united on common ideas and for protection. We were now a federalistic nation, where the federal government had the ability to control states.

This power increased over time because inevitably the federal government decided it would control various things like taxes etc. so eventually state governments had to depend on what could be obtained from the federal government.

All through our history because of wars or just acts of aggression WE THE PEOPLE have lost some of those "inalienable rights" we were originally purported to have.

Because of what happened on 9/11 it was inevitable that 2 things would happen. An ACT or LAW would be passed that would take away more of those "inalienable rights", like our right to privacy etc.

The second inevitable aspect was that we would "retaliate" in some manner against "someone", it did not matter if that person or country was involved or not. At this point all that was needed was a person/country to puff out its chest at the US and we would attack.

I do not know if George Bush is a good President or not because his terms in office have been diluted with more controversy and issues then any President in my adult life. There were controversies about the election, immigration, financial, etc. There was the 9/11 episode which was one of if not the largest death causing attack on US soil in history. There has also been numerous natural disasters that were also some of the largest in US history. On many of these situations he has had some of the greatest political opposition in US history, when in many of these situations there should have been unification.

When you talk about the Office of the President, you should be talking about someone that is "morally" obligated to be an example to all Americans. Bill Clinton was smart in many ways, first he avoided being involved in international affairs. Personally I think he should have been impeached for violating moral obligations. The President is the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces, any member of the Armed Forces found guilty of violating moral issues is discharged. The message Clinton sent by violating the rules of conduct and lying was "I am the President therefore I am above the LAW".

I have not seen this type of attitude from George Bush or its administration. I think GWB just became President at one of the worst periods in US history. Personally the choices available for President since Reagan have not been all that great.

Back to one little NOTE on the GOD and religion aspect. It does not matter if you believe in GOD or a religion, the simple fact is when our country was founded it was accepted there was a GOD and our rights were guaranteed by him. The method our founding fathers employed was to guarantee that no CHURCH or specific religion took control of the government but allowed us to believe or not believe as we desired.

With that in mind, if you remove the ability to believe and or express your belief in GOD then you remove the assertion that WE THE PEOPLE have any rights.

To put this in simple terms if the Human race are not guaranteed "rights" by a power that is greater than the human race then who does decide who has rights?
rsdoran said:
Why wouldn't that be expected? Just look at what an individual can find on the Internet using sites like whitepages.com or ussearch.com.

It was intended to be a joke. I was referring to a collection of telephone books.

In reference to the NSA data, that data was already in the hands of the telcos. Private companies. In the past, they often sold that data.

I am not defending the NSA database, but I think it is low on the priority list of stuff to be upset about.

I also find it interesting that the same people who want to turn over all a large section of the their lives, including their healh care, to the government are upset that it might know who they are calling. What do you think they will do if they got their hands on all our medical records?
When you talk about the Office of the President, you should be talking about someone that is "morally" obligated to be an example to all Americans.

Very well put Ron.

I do believe that when I vote, I'm not necessary voting for one man it's the administration that I am voting for, republican for the most part, I fell that it the lessor of the evils.

Clinton road the coat tails of Reaganomics, that's why we had such a good economy during is term not because he was a great president, Bush walked into a hard time and no matter who was/is in office it would be tuff.

Our economy has/is getting better, there are some issues with any administration. We just can't repeat the bad things in history or else we are dooommed....like my programs

Thats one more reason to like Nascar....the good old boys stand up and salute the flag...then say a prayer..."if you don't like it don't watch it"..
"... I can tell you one of the most important things you can do is just to make sure the government has the information on all of us that every mass mailing company in the country already has. [Applause.] .." "If somebody's been here a year and they've got 30 credit cards and a quarter million dollars of debt, either they're really rich or they're up to no good," the ex-president warned "Now, this is information that's already available to lots of us," he noted. "We're in lots of computers that say how many credit cards we have, what our debt is, where we play our light bill, where we pay our water bill - all that kind of information..., and if that information had been carefully studied and screened and acted upon, we might have been able to prevent September the 11th."

Now, you’re laughing, but let me give you a very specific example. About three days after September the 11th, I got a call from my best childhood friend, we’ve been best friends since we were 9 years old. He works for the biggest mass mailing in America, which happens to be located in my home state of Arkansas. He said, "Bill, you’ve got to help me. We’ve got four FBI agents here and we’ve already found five of these al-Quaida terrorists in our computers." I said, "Well, that’s good, isn’t it?" He said, "Well, sort of good, but the government has none of this." And so he said the man who is the head of the company wanted me to come in and try to get together with the government on this. And so about a week later I went down, and this is what I saw in their computers. Because the most important question is, if the government had this information — and we tripled funding for terrorism for the FBI in 1995 and ’96 and nothing was done to modernize the computers."
-Bill Clinton, 2002, speech at UC Davis.
Our money still says "IN GOD WE TRUST" though.
"In God We Trust" did not show up on any money until 1864. It showed up only on coins until 1957, at which point it was included on paper money.

"In God We Trust" did not become the official motto of the United States until 1956.

Hmmm... I wonder how many of the Founding Fathers were still voting at that time?

One of the primary ideas was freedom of religion and another was inalienable [sic] rights given by GOD.
Back to one little NOTE on the GOD and religion aspect. It does not matter if you believe in GOD or a religion, the simple fact is when our country was founded it was accepted there was a GOD and our rights were guaranteed by him. The method our founding fathers employed was to guarantee that no CHURCH or specific religion took control of the government but allowed us to believe or not believe as we desired.

With that in mind, if you remove the ability to believe and or express your belief in GOD then you remove the assertion that WE THE PEOPLE have any rights.

To put this in simple terms if the Human race are not guaranteed "rights" by a power that is greater than the human race then who does decide who has rights?
All of the Founding Fathers certainly recognized that religion existed. They also recognized that there were many religious differences, including the agnostic point of view (even though that word did not exist at the time). And they were certainly familiar with their own recent history which included many contentious issues associated with religion.

Introduction to the Declaration of Independence:
When, in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Causes which impel them to the Separation.

Regarding "Nature's God", don't be too quick to point at that and say, "See!"

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

And yet, curiously, the Slavery issue was stricken from the original draft of the Declaration of Independence!

Yes, the Declaration of Independence (Aug 2, 1776) did mention the "Creator". However, it must be recognized that the Declaration of Independence was a philosophical statement explaining why the War of Independence was about to occur.

Although the rational was based on rights endowed by their "Creator" (whoever "their" Creator might be), it was not a declaration of belief in God. It was a Declaration of War.

And speaking of "endowed rights", how long were the "Chosen People" held in bondage, according to the will of "their" God, thus having been deprived of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"?

The point is, religious and secular history shows that "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" is not guaranteed by anyone! Certainly not God!

Having declared their intentions, the Founding Fathers then proceeded onto the next order of business. They developed a plan for conducting the operation of a government, strictly in terms of man.

Despite what it says in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, if you read the main text of the United States Constitution (Mar 4, 1789), you will see that there is no mention whatsoever of God, Creator, nor even religious freedom. That document is purely secular!

The Preamble of the United States Constitution:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.[/b]

It is clearly obvious that the Founding Fathers recognized that the business of running a country was purely secular. It starts with "We the People", not "We the People that Trust in God" or somesuch. As such, it is clear that the Founding Fathers recognized that running a government was man's business.

The whole concept of religious freedom was an after-thought! It showed up, only later, in the Bill of Rights (Dec 15, 1791).

The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance.

Basically, no, specifically, the Government is not allowed to establish or prevent religion.

That is nothing less than a clear declaration that the Government is, and shall remain, secular. That does, of course, raise the "In God We Trust" issue.

Am I a godless heathen? No, I'm not. I certainly believe that man should conduct his business with the basic tenets of decent human relations in mind. That includes those basic messages provided by Jesus in the New Testament and the 10 Commandments from the Old Testament.

I do, however, find it very interesting that the 10 Commandments are not quite the same among the various "religions" that refer to them.

I certainly DO NOT subscribe to the insanities of Leviticus! If you are going to believe anything from Leviticus, then aren't you obliged to believe, and follow, all of it? I wonder how many of you could survive the requirements of that book?

Back on point, I believe that we should all conduct ourselves according to the spirit of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. For those that are religious-minded, I expect them to follow that spirit with even more fervor. However, in as much as this is a secular government, made by "We the People", among which some believe in one God or another, and some don't believe in any God at all, I don't think that any aspect of the Government can, or should, impose a religious attitude of any kind. If you want the 10 Commandments mounted in every Court House, then incorporate them into Secular Law!

Ahhh... but there are problems with that, aren't there?

This is (apparently) the original Jewish Version.
1. I am your God.
2. You will have no other gods.
3. You will not use the Lord's Name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath.
5. Honor your Mother and Father.
6. Thou shalt not murder.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions.

Commandments 1 through 5 are totally unenforceable!
These are absolutely impossible to enforce! They are "thought" control. And besides, they directly conflict with the First Amendment!

Commandments 6 through 9 are already incorporated into Secular Law.

Commandment 10 is another uninforcable one.
This one is absolutely impossible to enforce! It is "thought" control.

The 10 Commandments defines the relationship between each individual and his God.

Jesus said... Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

Sounds pretty clear to me. Jesus recognized the difference. Why can't you?

"The second inevitable aspect was that we would "retaliate" in some manner against "someone", it did not matter if that person or country was involved or not. At this point all that was needed was a person/country to puff out its chest at the US and we would attack.

I do not know if George Bush is a good President or not..."
Ron, are you serious???

When you talk about the Office of the President, you should be talking about someone that is "morally" obligated to be an example to all Americans. Bill Clinton was smart in many ways, first he avoided being involved in international affairs. Personally I think he should have been impeached for violating moral obligations. The President is the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces, any member of the Armed Forces found guilty of violating moral issues is discharged. The message Clinton sent by violating the rules of conduct and lying was "I am the President therefore I am above the LAW".
And so... where were you when Jimmy Carter was running for his second term?

Regarding "I am above the LAW"... How many laws does this guy that belives in Dictatorships ("...as long as I'm the Dictator!" GWB) have to break before you can see that he thinks that he is above the law?
And yet, curiously, the Slavery issue was stricken from the original draft of the Declaration of Independence!
In post 6 I made this comment:
We all know that "ALL" has not always included all people in the US.

Sounds pretty clear to me. Jesus recognized the difference. Why can't you?

I personally do not believe in Jesus or the "religion(s)" that embrace that concept. Just a guy putting on a con for his own ends in my opinion.

As for the rest of it you made my point better than I ever could. The simple fact is WE THE PEOPLE recognized and STILL recognize that we have "rights" provided by a power higher greater than MAN BUT at the same time MAN (NOTE MAN includes all human race) must provide LAWS and Government that will PROTECT those rights.

The real point is not what you believe but the concept that created the government and/or laws. IF the concept, in this case a belief in "rights" provided by a greater power than MAN, is removed THEN who decides who has rights and who doesn't?

As for Presidents, with the possible exception of Reagan, all since Kennedy have had their own agenda to a point. Kennedy had some strong problems to deal with in his time BUT at the same time many in this country were afraid of that families popularity, power, and money.

As for GWB, he has always been fighting a lost cause BUT do you really think any of the other choices in those elections could have done better?

Personally I have not liked any of the choices available from our dominant 2 Party system. That is the weakness that prevails these days, the limitations that a DOMINANT 2 party system creates.

You do realize that because of factors with GWB, media hype, etc that it HAS weakened the Republican chances of winning the next Presidential election. You also realize that Hillary Rodham Clinton will probably be the Democratic nominee in the next election?

Personal opinion: There is no doubt in my mind she was the reason Bill got where he was, there is no doubt in my mind that she was aware of Bill seeking extra-marital *** (possibly assisting at times), there is no doubt in my mind she was involved in possible illegal deals in Arkansas or other places, and there is no doubt this is one strong minded person with delusions of grandeur.

You can not show me a President that has NOT acted in some fashion against some form of existing LAW but most are not blatant. As I mentioned GWB has dealt with some unique problems and attempted to deal with them as needed, make mistakes..yes. Do I believe he was trying to assert his own agenda...NO

Think someone else I have mentioned would not assert their own agenda to develop power they should not have?

I personally dislike religious and political conversations because of the emotions it invokes in people. I will refrain from any more comments on this subject.
TimothyMoulder said:
So my question is this - are we getting a little TOO convenient? Is it really a good idea for the economy and society to let indiscriminate tools like trailing stops exist? Or if you pays your money and takes your chances, shouldn't you have to stand until the roulette wheel stops spinning?



Did Ron and Terry answer your question?, I just wish they would of put that much effort in to my recipe thread....you talk about a good dish..
marksji said:
You know what no one is saying (both here and in mass media)? The same USA Today paper ran a very small, very buried story that explained that the data the NSA gathered from the telcos did not include names or addresses and that the data was public information before the NSA gathered it.

But the coverage has been very clear, as was Quest Telecom when it refused to simply hand it's records over to the NSA - they DO need a warrant, and this information is NOT in the public domain.

There is currently a 5 billion dollar lawsuit going up on Verizon to punish them for releasing the documents, and to force them to never do it again - without a warrant.

This is tanamount to the insurance company giving your medical records to the feds simply because they asked. For that we have HIPAA, a law so draconian, half the time YOU can't get your records from your doctor. Maybe we need another one?


"The message Clinton sent by violating the rules of conduct and lying was "I am the President therefore I am above the LAW. I have not seen this type of attitude from George Bush or its administration."

Okay, man, I gotta call you on this. This is nothing short of willful ignorance.

Bush knows you can't keep people locked up indefinitely without a trial in the US - so he sent them to Cuba, where he can hold them forever without a trial or hearing.

He knows you can't torture people in the US, so he has the CIA ship them off to East European countries where they don't have that kind of scruple. It's called "remediation". Do a search - then lock your door tonight.

He knows you can't trace phone calls without a warrant - so he does it secretly. When caught, he offers excuses ranging from "executive authority" to "it ain't expressly illegal". And refuses to answer questions on it. Now we find out he's monitoring phone calls of all Americans nationwide.

When Clinton flaunted the law, Monica got a stain on her dress. When Bush flaunts the law, people disappear off the streets, have their phones bugged, and die.

Franklin was only partially right. He said, "Those who surrender freedom for security deserve neither." It should have said, "Those who surrender freedom for security GET neither."

**The following remarks are not directed at or about Ron**

I am increasingly irritated at the attitude of some americans to give this man power that another George - Washington - refused to accept, as absolute ruler of America, so long as he "fights the terrorists".

I recall even before Monicagate, there were some who had an almost sociopathic hatred of Bill Clinton. It went beyond rationality, had nothing to do with politics or even personality - they just HATED him.

Bush has the benefit of the same in reverse. There are those who will forgive any excess, excuse any abuse, wave a flag at any body count, so long as HE is the one behind it.

It still isn't rational. It still isn't based on anything that can be defined. But it's still scary. These are the ones who will tell the NSA where to find you when the arrests start...

If the democrats want to win the elections this time, thereis a simple song they need to sing. It goes like this -

"This is the most corrupt administration in recent American history."

"When _____ win, there will be thorough investigations and complete disclosure."

"Regarding the issue of (gas/remediation/oil collusion/Halliburton-Cheney/Iraq war), Grand juries will be empaneled, indictments will follow."

"All incidents of wrong-doing will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

"NO ONE, including the PRESIDENT, will be pardoned."

That is the Dem's victory song in '08.

Caution, my next communication may be from Levinworth. I will be locking my doors as well.

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