Cannot set path in RSLogix 5000 project.

Ok, after attempting to browse the remote subnet, I didn't see any change. Still unable to drill down to the CPU.

But I did notice that the "Browsing" text at the top that usually lists through the nodes that it's browsing only shows and (.102 is a panelview and .11 is a Stratix 8000 switch) nothing is displayed about it browsing any of the other modules. May be nothing, but I'm not sure.

Another curious thing is that a software activation prompt has begun showing up on the computer for the RSLogix 5000. I'm surely hoping that the guy before me at least knew to put the activation license in for the software....and I'm wondering if that would affect communications.

And that would make it appear that the Rockwell software was only recently installed. But I don't see any other software installed that could possibly conflict with what is installed now. Just RSLinx and the RSLogix...
On the Activation (but I don't think this is preventing your browse?)...

Open FactoryTalk Activation Manager and check what "Available activations" there are. You should see at least RSLogix 500 and RSLogix 5000 listed?
If there are any other Rockwell software packages installed, you may see them here also.

If RSLogix 5000 is listed then go to the path you see at the top. This is where the licence files are stored. Open the "RSsvr.log" file and look for references to "hostid" issues or anything that looks relevant. The log time stamps start from the bottom.


Another thing to consider is that the RSLinx Harmony files are corrupted. You may try flushing them and adding the AB_ETHIP driver again as you appear to be only using this driver? If using other drivers you can back them up first.

NOTE: This may involve the computer going "out of service" for a short while, so take it into consideration if planning to attempt this...

48241 - RSLinx Classic: Clearing cache by deleting Harmony files
Access Level: Everyone


I checked out the log file and didn't find any hostid issues, but I did take care of the activation issue by calling the vendor.

After all of the things that we tried, and seeing as how we can still clearly see the backplane while web browsing the chassis. I decided to give re-installing the RSLinx software after uninstalling it a go.

Turns out it worked great, RSLinx picked up the backplane immediately and I've been online ever since.

I just wanted to update and thank all of the folks who gave me some help on this and let you know that you showed me some good troubleshooting solutions.

Thank You,

I think by "re-installing the RSLinx software", Nick simply means that v2.59 was reinstalled?

It makes sense that it worked, but you could have just tried the Harmony files first and you may not have had to re-install RSLinx. Either the Harmony files were corrupted, or RSLinx itself was, and the re-install fixed the issue. If you had unsuccessfully tried the Harmony files, my next suggestion would have been the re-install.

So, for other readers in the future, it is still possible that clearing the cache for RSLinx, by deleting the Harmony files, may be enough to fix a similar issue and I would recommend doing so before carrying out a full re-install of RSLinx.

Either way, peace in the valley is restored.

Thanks for the feedback Nick, and we'll done!

I had the exact same issue with a 1756-L72 PLC. I could see the IP in RSLinx Classic Version 3.90.00. But, I could not drill down to the backplane or CPU. I could ping the PLC. I could even load the web server page and see my chassis. I am using Studio 5000. But, that does not really matter. I tried deleting the Harmony files like the TechNote 769010 suggests. But, that did not work either. The final solution in my case was to install RSLinx Classic V4.00.01 over top of my current installation. It solved my issue.

I am at plant with many PLCs on one network. I could see all other PLCs that were older. But, not this newer one. My Studio Version is 30.01.00 running on Windows 7 Pro.
I had also experienced similar problem using RS Emulate 5000 Ver 30 and found out the download was "grayed out"...What i did was delete the Harmony file .HRC...deleted the Harmony and restarted everything on the PC...Everything worked fine:p

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