help me about read data by using modbus c#


Join Date
Jan 2015
i'm a beginner with c# , today i have a problem with modbus c# that's i can't read data from simulator address : 40001 (value = 111) , i've used function mb.SendFc3(Slaveid, startAdd, register, ref value_meter); but i coudn't get data . Plz help me if you know about it :mad: Thx



modbus.cs source
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Ports;

namespace Modbus_Poll_CS
    class modbus
        private SerialPort sp = new SerialPort();
        public string modbusStatus;

        #region Constructor / Deconstructor
        public modbus()

        #region Open / Close Procedures
        public bool Open(string portName, int baudRate, int databits, Parity parity, StopBits stopBits)
            //Ensure port isn't already opened:
            if (!sp.IsOpen)
                //Assign desired settings to the serial port:
                sp.PortName = portName;
                sp.BaudRate = baudRate;
                sp.DataBits = databits;
                sp.Parity = parity;
                sp.StopBits = stopBits;
                //These timeouts are default and cannot be editted through the class at this point:
                sp.ReadTimeout = 1000;
                sp.WriteTimeout = 1000;

                catch (Exception err)
                    modbusStatus = "Error opening " + portName + ": " + err.Message;
                    return false;
                modbusStatus = portName + " opened successfully";
                return true;
                modbusStatus = portName + " already opened";
                return false;
        public bool Close()
            //Ensure port is opened before attempting to close:
            if (sp.IsOpen)
                catch (Exception err)
                    modbusStatus = "Error closing " + sp.PortName + ": " + err.Message;
                    return false;
                modbusStatus = sp.PortName + " closed successfully";
                return true;
                modbusStatus = sp.PortName + " is not open";
                return false;

        #region CRC Computation
        private void GetCRC(byte[] message, ref byte[] CRC)
            //Function expects a modbus message of any length as well as a 2 byte CRC array in which to 
            //return the CRC values:

            ushort CRCFull = 0xFFFF;
            byte CRCHigh = 0xFF, CRCLow = 0xFF;
            char CRCLSB;

            for (int i = 0; i < (message.Length) - 2; i++)
                CRCFull = (ushort)(CRCFull ^ message[i]);

                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    CRCLSB = (char)(CRCFull & 0x0001);
                    CRCFull = (ushort)((CRCFull >> 1) & 0x7FFF);

                    if (CRCLSB == 1)
                        CRCFull = (ushort)(CRCFull ^ 0xA001);
            CRC[1] = CRCHigh = (byte)((CRCFull >> 8) & 0xFF);
            CRC[0] = CRCLow = (byte)(CRCFull & 0xFF);

        #region Build Message
        private void BuildMessage(byte address, byte type, ushort start, ushort registers, ref byte[] message)
            //Array to receive CRC bytes:
            byte[] CRC = new byte[2];

            message[0] = address;
            message[1] = type;
            message[2] = (byte)(start >> 8);
            message[3] = (byte)start;
            message[4] = (byte)(registers >> 8);
            message[5] = (byte)registers;

            GetCRC(message, ref CRC);
            message[message.Length - 2] = CRC[0];
            message[message.Length - 1] = CRC[1];

        #region Check Response
        private bool CheckResponse(byte[] response)
            //Perform a basic CRC check:
            byte[] CRC = new byte[2];
            GetCRC(response, ref CRC);
            if (CRC[0] == response[response.Length - 2] && CRC[1] == response[response.Length - 1])
                return true;
                return false;

        #region Get Response
        private void GetResponse(ref byte[] response)
            //There is a bug in .Net 2.0 DataReceived Event that prevents people from using this
            //event as an interrupt to handle data (it doesn't fire all of the time).  Therefore
            //we have to use the ReadByte command for a fixed length as it's been shown to be reliable.
            for (int i = 0; i < response.Length; i++)
                response[i] = (byte)(sp.ReadByte());

        #region Function 16 - Write Multiple Registers
        public bool SendFc16(byte address, ushort start, ushort registers, short[] values)
            //Ensure port is open:
            if (sp.IsOpen)
                //Clear in/out buffers:
                //Message is 1 addr + 1 fcn + 2 start + 2 reg + 1 count + 2 * reg vals + 2 CRC
                byte[] message = new byte[9 + 2 * registers];
                //Function 16 response is fixed at 8 bytes
                byte[] response = new byte[8];

                //Add bytecount to message:
                message[6] = (byte)(registers * 2);
                //Put write values into message prior to sending:
                for (int i = 0; i < registers; i++)
                    message[7 + 2 * i] = (byte)(values[i] >> 8);
                    message[8 + 2 * i] = (byte)(values[i]);
                //Build outgoing message:
                BuildMessage(address, (byte)16, start, registers, ref message);

                //Send Modbus message to Serial Port:
                    sp.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
                    GetResponse(ref response);
                catch (Exception err)
                    modbusStatus = "Error in write event: " + err.Message;
                    return false;
                //Evaluate message:
                if (CheckResponse(response))
                    modbusStatus = "Write successful";
                    return true;
                    modbusStatus = "CRC error";
                    return false;
                modbusStatus = "Serial port not open";
                return false;

        #region Function 3 - Read Registers
        public bool SendFc3(byte address, ushort start, ushort registers, ref short[] values)
            //Ensure port is open:
            if (sp.IsOpen)
                //Clear in/out buffers:
                //Function 3 request is always 8 bytes:
                byte[] message = new byte[8];
                //Function 3 response buffer:
                byte[] response = new byte[5 + 2 * registers];
                //Build outgoing modbus message:
                BuildMessage(address, (byte)3, start, registers, ref message);
                //Send modbus message to Serial Port:
                    sp.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
                    GetResponse(ref response);
                catch (Exception err)
                    modbusStatus = "Error in read event: " + err.Message;
                    return false;
                //Evaluate message:
                if (CheckResponse(response))
                    //Return requested register values:
                    for (int i = 0; i < (response.Length - 5) / 2; i++)
                        values[i] = response[2 * i + 3];
                        values[i] <<= 8;
                        values[i] += response[2 * i + 4];
                    modbusStatus = "Read successful";
                    return true;
                    modbusStatus = "CRC error";
                    return false;
                modbusStatus = "Serial port not open";
                return false;


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If you would like to make this much easier, you can use AdvancedHMI. It has Modbus drivers. After you add a driver to the form and set its properties, you can add a BasicLabel and set the PCLAddressValue property to 40001 then run the application.

If you want to read the value with code, then use:

Dim MyValue as string
40001 is the wrong value for the Starting Register.

Modbus uses a digit to describe the type of register, and "4" describes Holding Registers, which are accessed using Function Code 3. It can be very confusing for novices and experts alike, since many simulators and drivers insist on sticking with the old Modicon data table syntax.

But you don't put that register type digit or the whole "address" string into the starting register field when you actually build the protocol frame.

Instead, "0" is the value that the mb.SendFC3 function needs in the "start" byte when you want to read Modbus address "40001".

Edit: I mean that "40001" is wrong in the modbus.cs code above. It's right in AdvancedHMI.
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This helped me tremendously with troubleshooting RS232 communication and taught me a little about data manipulation in c#.

Use breakpoints and step through your program if you think there's a problem in the program.

Having the ability to see the incoming and outgoing packets as they happen in a RichTextbox will help.

Also I use a port monitor from the following URL, I use their free device monitoring studio. There's only a limited number of times per day it can be used with a time limit. It's good enough to get an idea of whats going on.

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