Powerflex 40 IP address


If RSLinx did not recognize your SLC5/05, it would not appear as a computer, so this is most likely your PC. If it doesn't recognize it, it should show up as a question Mark. If it is not seeing it at all, then something isn't set up correctly.

This RSlinx is installed on XP home which i just read does not work well together. As you said, the EDs files may not have been installed.

Do you by chance know how to install Xp Pro on Xp home computer with out losing files on hard disk?

Thanks for all your help.

Well, I only use Windows XP Pro on all my Computers for a number of reasons. I believe it is not officially possible, but here is one article I found by Googling it.


I would recommend you save your important files off, and do a clean install (Don't forget you activations). As in Format the Hard Drive, and install all new files. There will be a bunch of upgrades you need to install from Windows Update etc. However, you will get a much better running machine that way, especially if it is an old install.

Thank you,
I was able to install Rslinx 2.50 and seems like it everything will work okay. I will try to get everything going Monday. However next step after communicating SLC 505 to RSlinx, I need to setup communication between SLC 505 and PowerFlex 40. Can someone explain the MSG instruction for me as far as communication between powerflex 40 and SLC processor?

Thank you all for your help.

Thank you,
I was able to install Rslinx 2.50 and seems like it everything will work okay. I will try to get everything going Monday. However next step after communicating SLC 505 to RSlinx, I need to setup communication between SLC 505 and PowerFlex 40. Can someone explain the MSG instruction for me as far as communication between powerflex 40 and SLC processor?

Thank you all for your help.



Adam303 offered to send you a copy of his solution. Did you not get it? The Message Instruction is explained in the SLC500 Instruction Reference in Section 12-5. It is 1747-RM001G-EN-P. Go to the AB Literature Site and you can download it for free.


This AB Knowledgebase Article should get you started, you don't need a Tech Connect Contract to access it.

I like to thank everyone for their input and help for this project I started. I was able to setup communication between Powerflex 40 my computer and SLC 505 processor. I also now understand the MSG instruction and was abled to read information for the drive using MSG instruction. However I have one final question, how do i Know which bits to use to start, stop etc... for the drive.

Your help is highly appreciated.

I like to thank everyone for their input and help for this project I started. I was able to setup communication between Powerflex 40 my computer and SLC 505 processor. I also now understand the MSG instruction and was abled to read information for the drive using MSG instruction. However I have one final question, how do i Know which bits to use to start, stop etc... for the drive.

Your help is highly appreciated.


Appendix D of the 22-COMM-E Manual shows the Status and Command Words, and which Bit does what. Ken gave you the link early on, but for the record, it is Publication 22COMM-UM004B-EN-P.

Thanks I found the information on Appendix D of the manual. If my control block is N21:0, does these command words be refenced to N21:0?

Thanks for your help.

Thanks I found the information on Appendix D of the manual. If my control block is N21:0, does these command words be refenced to N21:0?

Thanks for your help.


If I understand what you mean by Control Block correctly, then no. The Control Block is used by the Message Instruction for its own Control and Status. The Command and Status Words will depend on how you have filled in the Setup Screen.

I am little bit confused, when you say setup screen, do you mean on the drive itsefl. or do I need to go in to rslogix 500 somewhere to setup the drive.

Also I dont know if this could be a problem, on Rslinx, device type for powerflex 40 is unrecognised and powerflex is represented with a question mark.


I am little bit confused, when you say setup screen, do you mean on the drive itsefl. or do I need to go in to rslogix 500 somewhere to setup the drive.

Also I dont know if this could be a problem, on Rslinx, device type for powerflex 40 is unrecognised and powerflex is represented with a question mark.



I meant the Setup Screen for the Message Instruction. If RSLinx does not recognize the PF40 Drive, you need to download the EDS from AB. You need to know the exact Model and Revision of your PF40 VFD, and can download the EDS from here.


Then use the EDS Hardware Installation Tool under RSLinx Tools to install it.

I really appreciate your time and help.
I installed the EDS file for drive and that part is now okay.
When i open the setup screen for the MSG instruction, there are two places with data table addresses, There is one for controller which is N20:16 and one for Target device, N46:0

Is it the target device N46:0, that i need to associate with command to the drive?


I really appreciate your time and help.
I installed the EDS file for drive and that part is now okay.
When i open the setup screen for the MSG instruction, there are two places with data table addresses, There is one for controller which is N20:16 and one for Target device, N46:0

Is it the target device N46:0, that i need to associate with command to the drive?



I see in my previous post that the Knowledgebase Article I referenced is not there. Lets try it again.

http://rockwellautomation.custhelp....l/a_id/52205/kw/slc5/05 22-comm-e/r_id/113025

You don't need a Tech Connect Contract to access it.


Have a look at 20-COMM-E User Manua Appendix C starting at Page C-17 for the N40 and up Addresses, and their use.

Do anyone have a sample MSG program that I can look at the setup screen, and how the bits are programmed to control the powerflex 40.

You may send it to [email protected]

Thank you.


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