Prosoft Modbus MVI56E-MNETC


Lifetime Supporting Member
Join Date
Jun 2021
Montreal, QC
Hi all.

I just received my brand new Prosoft Modbus modules and I'm playing with one in a L82 rack.

I managed to set it up well enough so I can now poll a M580 PLC in Modbus.

Basically I set up the IP, tried to update the EDS but version on it is more recent than the files. I imported the AOI which I'm still not sure what it's exactly doing exept from creating a new structure where the data seems to land.

So, in the status I'm getting mismatch alarm, but after Googling it it seems like it's normal since it's a generic module, along with a status code for internal status (16#0060) which looks like describing the said mismatch. It's annoying, but it does not look like really important. Any idea on that one?

Back to the AOI which created the new structure for IO.

I placed the module on slot 1, and I was waiting for data to be written in Local:1:I.Data, so I was checking there. I was seeing my 2345 value flashing on and off, but mostly off 2 registers higher than it was supposed to. So I checked every setting that I could without any luck. Also the 2 first registers are flashing some values coming out of nowhere.

Then I saw the other structure, MNETC, with a steady 2345 that would immediately respond to changes from my M580 PLC, which I guess comes from the AOI from ProSoft that I imported.

My question here: is there any issue with that Slot 1 annoying values acting erratically? Or should I just don't care about it?

I was looking at another program using older serial MCM and the data was landing right on the slot structures and not in another structure created by an AOI (I guess?), so I was wondering if it's an issue in my config or just progress. But still it would be annoying to see that, not the kind of behaviour that I like to see in a PLC.

Anyway, any guidance on how to deal with that module and how to handle the data in Logix would be welcome.

We use these Prosoft modules all the time and I don't recall having any issues with EDS files, its appearance in the I/O configuration tree, or the data transfer anomalies between the controller and the module. I assume you used the Prosoft Configuration Builder (PCB) to setup the Modbus module? Is it setup as a server, client or both?
You should be able to download the latest EDS from the module itself. No?
Do you mean uploading the EDS from RSLinx. This is a very nice feature from most Rockwell and other devices, but not all devices. This is no mandatory feature for EtherNet/IP devices.If you meant something different I apologize.
I assume you used the Prosoft Configuration Builder (PCB) to setup the Modbus module? Is it setup as a server, client or both?

I want to setup it for both.

So far:

I set up a Modicon with a couple registers;

Using MNET Client 0 I managed to poll these values with the L82;

I was assuming here that each "client" (0-29) could be configured as Client or Server, but I may be very wrong.

What I want to do here with the Prosoft will be:

-Polling different Modbus devices and transfer data to L82;
-Remap all data from the PLC and make it available for an Intouch Standalone Screen and a RTAC gateway using their IP addresses to block other connections to it.

I don't have the RTAC available right now so I'm using a SMP4 (about the same thing) to try to align the REAL registers, and since I'm pointing it to the ProSoft IP address, it seems that it's connecting directly to the MNET Client 0 which is not what I want at all. I am hoping to have a slave table where these devices will connect but I'm really not sure how to do it.

I'm gonna go through that documentation again.

Any insight will be appreciated.


Sans titre.jpg

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