Remote OPC Server Connections

Sorry I haven't replied back with an update. My PC took a major dump and I've had to wait for TPTB to replace it.

In the meantime my project is on hold.
It must be DCOM settings. I have searched a time ago for over three days way my systems won't communicate over ethernet. Just a few f*****g DCOM settings and everything works fine. Grrrr...
How do I configure an OPC Server (local). I am running RSLinx Pro, RSView32 over ethernet. Upon restart my node keeps defaulting to "None Loaded". Using channel 1 with AB_ETH-1.
I did read it but I am confused when it comes to setting up the node. My driver is configured and browsing (I pinged my IP and it's ok). My tag monitor keeps giving me error and stale.
How do I configure an OPC Server (local). I am running RSLinx Pro, RSView32 over ethernet. Upon restart my node keeps defaulting to "None Loaded". Using channel 1 with AB_ETH-1.

I had that problem a while back. I never did figure out why it was defaulting to "None Loaded", although it usually did this only after a power failure or irregular shutdown, so I suspect something was being corrupted... somewhere.

Anyway, the way I "fixed" my problem was to write a bit of code that runs on startup of the RSView32 Project and, if it has been changed to "None Loaded" or is blank, sets the driver to the correct settings.

I can post the code or email it to you if you want to take a look at it.
I would appreciate the code very much. Thanks in advance.

Ok, here ya go. All you have to do is insert this into your Project's VBA editor and then replace YOUR DRIVER NAME HERE with the name of your driver, which I assume will be AB_ETH-1

Call the code from your startup macro, and it should reset the driver if it changes.

Oh, and this obviously comes with the whole "Use this at your own risk, I am not responsible... " thing attached to it.

Sub LoadCommDriver()
'Declare variables
    Dim NodeArray()
    Dim oNode As Node
    Dim bNode As Byte
    Dim s As Byte
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    bNode = 0
    With gProject
'Check the primary driver for incorrect or blank entry
        If .Channels(1).PrimaryDriver = "" Or _
           .Channels(1).PrimaryDriver = "None Loaded" Then
            ReDim NodeArray(bNode)
'The driver cannot be changed if there are active nodes, so all active nodes
'must be temporarily disabled.
'Loop to step through each node in the Nodes collection
            For Each oNode In .Nodes
'Check if the node is enabled.  If it is, add its name to NodeArray so it can
'be re-enabled when we're finished.  (This is done so only currently enabled
'nodes are re-enabled when the code is finished.)
                If oNode.Enabled = True Then
                        ReDim Preserve NodeArray(UBound(NodeArray) + 1)
                        NodeArray(bNode) = oNode.Name
                        bNode = bNode + 1
'Disable the node and apply the change.
                        oNode.Enabled = False
                End If
'Now the nodes are disabled and the driver can be changed.
            .Channels(1).PrimaryDriver = "YOUR DRIVER NAME HERE"
'Apply the change
        End If
    End With
'Now re-enable all the nodes that were enabled and apply the changes
    For s = LBound(NodeArray()) To (UBound(NodeArray()) - 1)
            gNodes(NodeArray(s)).Enabled = True
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred in the LoadCommDriver subroutine.", vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub
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Problem connecting to Remote OPC Server

Hi Jeparham,

I am facing a problem connecting to Remote OPC server. I am trying to connect to Remote Rslinx OPC server from a VB application on other machine, the server has Gateway lic.
When i am browsing for the OPC servers from VB application. It is showing the Remote OPC server, but when i try n connect to it, the error i get is "Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface."

I have set DCOM settings according to the link .....
also tried with the security configuration on MSDTC tab as given in this post....

do share some of ur tips.....


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