Beckhoff - twincat problem (newbie)

Make sure you have the same version of TwinCAT on your computer and the CX runtime. Use Engineering Remote Manager to add older versions to your TwinCAT installation.

Else try clean the AMS router on both machines.

I managed to connect to the PLC and I got rid of the issue. How I solve it is too embarrassing to say. I can say it wasn't an error between PLC and TwinCat but a problem made by me:D

Thank you for your help!
Use the batch file and execute it with administrator rights

Using the win8settick.bat with administrator rights should solve the problem. at least it did for us ...
Often one can't log-in to the PLC because it is not in the "run-mode" state. TwinCAT tries to lead you thru the correct steps.

After "Activate Configuration", it asks if you want to change to "run-mode". Normally answer, "Yes". That is because the next step most people need is to log-in to download the compiled PLC code. That is likely why it now worked for thiseful.

The only manual is on their website, termed "Information System". You can download to have as a local electronic version. Go to

For more theory, my tech support referred me to the text, "Programming Automation Systems" (or such), but decades old now. It has chapters on creating object-oriented and reusable PLC code, if that is your interest. Another place for modern PLC programming discussion is
Hi. I am new to TwinCAT. For my UNI project I am working on a MBD, trying to transfer the model from Matlab/Simulink to TwinCAT. I am working on a Beckhoff CX5120 PLC.

I seem to have some basic problems that I am unable to crack.
I have created a new project and as soon as I try to restart TwinCAT in config mode I get an error:
'TwinCAT System'(10000): Debug:CSysService::MappedCreateFile(\\.\COM99),error 2 at CreateFile()!
Hi. I am new to TwinCAT. For my UNI project I am working on a MBD, trying to transfer the model from Matlab/Simulink to TwinCAT. I am working on a Beckhoff CX5120 PLC.

I seem to have some basic problems that I am unable to crack.
I have created a new project and as soon as I try to restart TwinCAT in config mode I get an error:
'TwinCAT System'(10000): Debug:CSysService::MappedCreateFile(\\.\COM99),error 2 at CreateFile()!

Hi, did you manage to find to solution to CSysService::MappedCreateFile(\\.\COM99),error 2 at CreateFile()?

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