RSLogix500 Reports

Join Date
Apr 2002
Just a bit northeast of nowhere
Howdy, all!

So here's a little cosmetic issue.

I group my ladders based on machine subsystem. Within the ladders, I use titles to delminate sections of code, then comments to describe the code line-by-line.

The only problem is, when I go to print out a report. Each title within a ladder begins a new page, so some of my shorter programs have pages with a single rung on them! Even my short programs print out thicker than a NYC phone directory.

Okay, not that bad, but you get the idea.

What I want to know is, is there a way to make the reports begin a new page ONLY at a new ladder, treating titles the same way it does comments?

Thanks alot!


PS: To everybody who chimed in on the water question, the project has taken yet another turn. I'll let you know how it shakes out, and thanks!
I don't think there is a way. I sort of do the same by capitalising and centre-ing the comments that deliminate sections of code. Regards Alan
Just out of curiosuity what word are y'all trying to say?

Deliminate is not in the dictionary.

de·lim·it Pronunciation Key (d-lmt) also de·lim·i·tate (--tt)
tr.v. de·lim·it·ed, also de·lim·i·tat·ed de·lim·it·ing, de·lim·i·tat·ing de·lim·its, de·lim·i·tates
To establish the limits or boundaries of; demarcate

I dont care about spelling etc just wondering if thats whay y'all mean use titles to set a boundary line within the code.

I assume this means when you change the function you are working with.
RS, I think there just pushing the language a little.
Main Entry: de·lim·it·er
Pronunciation: di-'li-m&-t&r
Function: noun
Date: 1960
: a character that marks the beginning or end of a unit of data
Right off the good old Merriam-Webster website.
I knew what Timothy meant and I hope he knew what I meant. Language is meant as a method of communication so if we can both understand each other, who cares. Regards Alan Case
Alan OK, thought this was a public forum so all could learn? I wasnt trying to be nasty, just didnt know what word y'all were using so didnt understand exactly what y'all meant.

Thanks Dave, I thought it was something to do with delimit but to be sure I asked.
Maybe the word he was looking for is:

Main Entry: de·lin·eate
Pronunciation: di-'li-nE-"At
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -eat·ed; -eat·ing
Etymology: Latin delineatus, past participle of delineare, from de- + linea line
Date: 1559
1 a : to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines b : to mark the outline of <lights delineating the narrow streets>
2 : to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail <delineate a character in the story> <delineate the steps to be taken by the government>
source: Merriam-Webster Online
Does RSLOGIX500 allow print to file? If so, print to file, open file in word processor. Select all, convert to non-proportional font like courier. Then use the word processor editor to arrange pagination, add graphics etc etc. I have done this this with TI/Siemens files but not with A-B files.

Al:(not Alan. - Allen (Hmmmm.....))

It can print to a file, but this method won't help much. RSLadder (can) change page breaks to force a rung to start on the next page if it doesn't fit on the current one. It's a nice feature (it's hard to read a rung that's split over two pages - espeicially when it's "intentially" done, with arrows pointing down to broken rungs/branches.). If you start messing will page breaks, you're just creating more trouble.

Alan is right - the Titles are almost INTENDED to be page breaks - they just happen to be real eye-catchers on-screen, too. I do the same thing you do - I just try not to overuse them (and break my program into more subroutines).

Q) Why would you have a "section" (as defined by titles) that's a single rung of code?.

You are really faced with 2 choices - live with it (and kill trees), or adjust your technique (like putting "Headers" in the regual comments, surrounded by somehting eyecatching like '************' or '========='

You could post a request for "Disable Title Pagebreaks" on the RSLogix forum - Rockwell is taking requests for improvements (don't know about delivering on those requests, but they're taking them. ) For Rockwell, that's a big (and possitive) step up.
Here is an idea

Here is an idea:
Yes, it takes an extra little amount of time but....
I am a fond user of page titles. I use them explicitly (spelling-ugh)for separating code.

You could copy every page title to the beginning of the rung comment that the page title exists on. (I need to figure out how to do this with a script or something). Then, when you print your program for documentation purposes, uncheck the page title box.
Page Title:
PID Loop #1
Rung Comment:
** PID Loop #1 **

The following two rungs use a flip flop circuit to allow a single momentary pushbutton on the HMI screen to be used as a maintaining two position switch. This allows the state of the switch to be maintained in the PLC instead of the HMI.

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