Will you work for peanuts

I am of the opinion that you earn what you are worth.
If you really-really want more, you go get it. You do what is needed to get it.

I work for myself, so how much do I earn?

I only know what I earned last year. I do not know what I will earn this year.
Some people can not live with this uncertainty, they like a regular cheque each month. The penalty for this is a lower rate.
Last year, I paid the bills, lived my life and had fun!

The ‘peanuts’ people undercut me sometimes and I live with it. I do not worry about it because the customer gets a ‘peanuts’ job too.
I have sorted out lots and lots of peanut jobs. (they had to pay me plenty of cashew nuts)

I could earn a lot more probably 3 – 4 times more, I don’t know exactly but I don’t want to. I am very happy doing what I do – every job is a new and hard challenge.

I shall shuffle off in the end very happy, and what’s left will be divided and maybe fought over by my children.

I will be in the box smiling.

Overall, I have to agree with the posts in this thread...

I am making slightly over $18/hour, but that is by my choice, because of the benefits. I work for a large manufacturer, but have been paid more in the past for my abilities, but you can't beat the bennies. Hence, I work for them.

Of course, other jobs I have worked for in the past will always find more money when you decide to leave a position. It's amazing what they will find once they realize that you are gone. I had one company offer me another $10/hour, $2000 signing bonus and company car when I gave my notice. This was 2 weeks after I had found out that there was no money in the budget for me to receive a raise with my review... Hmm... I left the job, due to their underhanded tactics, and let's face it, there's more to life than money.

One other thing to get all our blood boiling... most of our wages are tax deductible to companies. Yep, you heard that right. In the states, our wages are part of 'machine depreciation', which is tax deductible to businesses. The government views us as a necessity, and we are there for when the equipment fails.

Just another log for the fire...


--- Political posts removed ---

Why do things always get political in these types of 'discussions'?
Aren't there any decent forums elsewhere to discuss such things?
Wages depend a lot on cost of living in an area too. Here, where an above average house costs only 50-60K, it isn't hard to work for $15 to $18 an hour. In fact, you're darn lucky to get a job that pays that much. I, for one, would be happy to work in Canada for $32 an hour (Western Canada, that is) :)
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