Read Tags in Excel From Studio 5000

Factory Talk View Machine Edition. Use ME_DataStore ActiveX object and map to any network location.
Respected Professionals;

Before going to learn Python I want to use xl reporter to fetch data from PLC through rslink and save it to the database. I download the xl Reporter but there is no option for connecting to Rslink.

On which site I download it for a try.


2022-02-11 14_09_35-Book1 - Excel.jpg
Thank you so much

Here are a couple dozen lines of python to use pylogix to retrieve data over ~9s at ~1Hz from a PLC (in this case a Micro820), then write those data to a MariaDB/MySQL database. The last two sections, which could be extracted and placed in a separate script e.g. to run once a day, and delete any data older than a week from the database, retrieve those data from the database and write them to an eXcel workbook. The IP addresses of the PLC and the MariaDB/MySQL servers are arbitrary. Explanations of each group of statements can be found via Google. How to setup the MariaDB/MySQL server for such access is left as an exercise for the user; one approach is available at this link. The Micro8xx code is shown in the image below. After that, the beginning of the MariaDB/MySQL database table data; the full table is also attached.

### Cf.
import sys
import time
import pylogix
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import MySQLdb as Mdb
### Parse command-line arguments: PLC IP address; MariaDB/MySQL DB server IP address; DB username
plcip = (['']+[a[8:] for a in sys.argv[1:] if a[:8]=='--plcip=']).pop()
ip = (['']+[a[5:] for a in sys.argv[1:] if a[:5]=='--ip=']).pop()
usr = (['test_log']+[a[7:] for a in sys.argv[1:] if a[:7]=='--user=']).pop()
### Ensure DATABASE 'test_log' and TABLE 'log' exist on MariaDB/MySQL server
Mdb.connect(host=ip,user=usr).cursor().execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_log')
cu = Mdb.connect(host=ip,user=usr,db='test_log',autocommit=True).cursor()
cu.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log (tim datetime NOT NULL,tag varchar(32) NOT NULL,val double NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY tn (tim,tag))')
### Sample data from PLC at ~1Hz, write data to MariaDB/MySQL DATABASE.TABLE 'test_log.log'
with pylogix.PLC(plcip) as plc:
plc.Micro800 = not ('--no-micro8xx' in sys.argv[1:])
for i in range(10):
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
cu.executemany('INSERT INTO log VALUES (%s,%s,%s)',[(dt,tag,plc.Read(tag).Value,) for tag in 'et_ms c.Year c.Month c.Day c.Hours c.Minutes c.Seconds'.split()])
### Retrieve data from 'test_log.log' into list of dicts
cu.execute('select * from log')
ads = [dict(ts=None)]
for ts,tag,val in cu:
if ts.isoformat() != ads[-1]['ts']: ads.append(dict(ts=ts.isoformat()))
ads[-1][tag] = val
### Write list of dicts to eXcel workbook

$ mysql test_log -e "select * from log"
| tim | tag | val |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Day | 9 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Hours | 15 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Minutes | 38 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Month | 2 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Seconds | 25 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | c.Year | 2022 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:28 | et_ms | 46 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:29 | c.Day | 9 |
| 2022-02-09 20:37:29 | c.Hours | 15 |

Thank you so much. You guys are great
I applied a little Python-fu, found a better way to convert the dict-style table to a Pandas DataFrame, and got it down to a dozen and a half statements, wheee!

[Update: the script in the attached .zip should not have the random spaces that are in the post]

### Cf.
import time
import pylogix
import pandas as pd
import MySQLdb as Mdb
### Parse command-line arguments: PLC IP address; MariaDB/MySQL DB server IP address; DB username
plcip = (['']+[a[8:] for a in[1:] if a[:8]=='--plcip=']).pop()
ip = (['']+[a[5:] for a in[1:] if a[:5]=='--ip=']).pop()
usr = (['test_log']+[a[7:] for a in[1:] if a[:7]=='--user=']).pop()
### Ensure DATABASE 'test_log' and TABLE 'log' exist on MariaDB/MySQL server
Mdb.connect(host=ip,user=usr).cursor().execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_log')
with Mdb.connect(host=ip,user=usr,db='test_log',autocommit=True).cursor() as cu:
cu.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log (tim datetime NOT NULL,tag varchar(32) NOT NULL,val double NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY tn (tim,tag))')
### Sample data from PLC at ~1Hz, write data to MariaDB/MySQL DATABASE.TABLE 'test_log.log'
with pylogix.PLC(plcip) as plc:
plc.Micro800 = not ('--no-micro8xx' in[1:])
for i in range(10):
dt = (time.sleep(1.001),,)[-1]
cu.executemany('INSERT INTO log VALUES (%s,%s,%s)',[tup for tup in [(dt,tag,plc.Read(tag).Value,) for tag in 'et_ms c.Year c.Month c.Day c.Hours c.Minutes c.Seconds'.split()] if not (None is tup[-1])])
### Retrieve data from 'test_log.log', insert into Pandas DataFrame, write to eXcel workbook
n,df = cu.execute('select * from log'),pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Series(name='timestamp',dtype=float))
for ts,tag,val in cu: df.loc[ts,tag] = val

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Have you tried filling in the data manually?
Run RS Linx on PC and assign a topic name to the processor and retrieve the data that way?

In the Excel cell you would type =RSLINX|TOPICNAME!'TAG,L1,C1'

So if I wanted to retrieve the contents of a tag named Cycle Count from a processor I assigned topic name Machine1 to it would type this in a cell =RSLINX|Machine1!'CycleCount.ACC,L1,C1'
Of course, macros and some other things have to be enabled for this to work in Excel, but it's the way I do it.
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